The Big News

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The best part about waking up each morning was seeing her sleeping beside him. He stared lovingly at her tiny figure breathing delicately. He reached out his eagle claw to stroke her silky pink mane.

Had they really been married for three months already? It was hard enough for him to believe that they had gotten married in the first place, that after eons of loneliness, he had fallen in love with the most beautiful mare in the world, and she returned his love. Seeing her each morning reminded him that he had not dreamt it.

She stirred in her sleep and slowly rolled over to face him. Her adorable teal eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning," he whispered.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Good morning. What time is it?"

He checked the wiggly-handed clock on the wall. "Oh, about a quarter past nine."

"Oh, I should go feed the animals."

She flipped onto her back and attempted to rise, but he stopped her by pulling her closer to his body.

"I'm sure they can wait," he said lowly.


"Alright, if you insist." He snapped his fingers. "Done! Now you have plenty of time!"

He tightened his grip on her. She shook her head.

"Discord, I'm going to have to get up eventually. I have to meet the girls at the spa this afternoon."

"Yes, but in the meantime..."

"Do we have to go through this every morning?"

"Can I help it if I want to spend as much time with you as possible? Can I help it if I love you?"

"No, I suppose not."

"Besides, you were rather sleepy last night. You deserve a break."

She sighed in defeat. "Alright, but just a little longer."

As he kissed his beloved wife, Discord concluded that life could not get better than this.

"So how's the married life, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked as the spa ladies placed two cucumbers over her eyes.

Pinkie Pie let out a cheerful cry as she did a cannonball into the herbal bath, landing in between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, splashing them both.

"Yeah!" the pink pony chimed, popping up from the water. "What's it like being the Lord of Chaos' wife?"

The yellow pegasus blushed. "It's wonderful. Things have been going great between us."

"So the romance hasn't faded yet?" Rainbow inquired.

"Oh, not at all! Discord makes every day memorable. Last night, he took me to see some fireflies. Oh, it was magnificent!"

"Aw, that's so sweet!" Pinkie Pie swooned.

"But seriously, you haven't grown tired of each other?" Rainbow pressed on.

"Rainbow, what a thing to say!" Twilight exclaimed while getting a hooficure. "Don't tell me you still don't approve of their marriage!"

"Oh no, it's not that. It's just that fifty percent of marriages don't work out and..."

Every pony stared at her in shock. The blue pegasus sighed.

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I'm just getting the wedding jitters. It's got nothing to do with you and Discord."

"You and Soarin havin' problems?" Applejack asked from the massage table.

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