Chapter Twenty-Four

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Idabee's legs—wrapped in tight jeans, shod with sleek black boots, one ankle on top the other, toes pointed upward—stretched out in front of her as she reclined on the train. Julian's extended from the seat beside her, their paths nearly converging. A slight twist of her boots was enough to tap against him and demand his attention. "You're smiling again," Idabee observed.

Julian turned away from the window—there wasn't much to see in the tunnel, not at the speeds the bullet train was achieving on its northwestern sprint—and looked at her. The angle of her lower lip pulled her face into a pout while her eyes conveyed incomprehension that he could possibly find anything else interesting when she was sitting next to him.

"Must have something to do with you," he replied. Stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers rearranged her mouth and tallied an additional pleasing curve on her body. Julian slung his arm around her and leaned in, bringing their faces tantalizingly close. He could see the desire in her eyes and waited to see if she'd request a kiss. Her breath was warm as she licked her lips, inviting him to ask. The tension built deliciously.

This was very much a non-zero-sum game.

The previous Sunday—only seven days ago—they'd parked overlooking the city and demonstrated that car windows in the tricentennial could still be fogged up. In Julian's experience, it happened quicker than in his time. The smaller volume of air seemed like the most likely explanation, but in the interest of science, they replicated the results on four other occasions. Idabee steered his expectations for modern relationships with firm vetoes and enthusiastic approvals, charting a path to steamy make-out sessions.

Despite the denials of matchmaking from Ray and Edith, Julian was grateful for whatever actions had guided him to this time and place with Idabee. Her competency and mindfulness continued to awe him. Three days ago, she'd suggested this trip to Philadelphia with an overnight stay; when he agreed, she demonstrated how to share the relevant information from their health profiles to show they were clean from sexually transmitted diseases.

When he'd stored their overnight bags above their seats, Julian debated whether he was more excited about seeing the neighborhood where he'd grown up or checking into the hotel.

Idabee was tired of waiting. "Kiss me, Julian," she whispered, and he did. It was thorough but brief, and when he broke away, she moaned.

Julian grinned. "May I kiss you, Delegate Leete?" he asked, ready to re-engage with her soft lips.

"You may proceed," she replied, running a hand up his back and pulling him close. This time, the kiss lasted much longer. "And that's Seated Delegate Leete," she said huskily.

"And a very nice seat it is, too," Julian teased. She tsked in mock offense as he placed his mouth close to her ear. "Seated Delegate Leete, I move that Julian West..." His voice dropped lower as he made a new proposal. Idabee's breath hitched as he described sensuous acts, wildly inappropriate on the train, with tantalizing precision.

She listened to the delicate details in full; Julian grinned when he met her gaze to receive his rejection. "Julian, we're in public!" she protested.

"That's true," he admitted. His hand dropped to her hip and placed an exploratory finger under the hem of her white pullover. "May I proceed?"

Idabee wrinkled her nose endearingly. "I'm going to veto that," she replied. She gripped his hand just as they felt the train's inertia shift. "Besides, we're almost to our stop."

"Your call," Julian said agreeably. There was pleasure enough in her slightly flushed look and the primal sheen in her eyes.

Idabee put a hand on his chest as she stood up to retrieve their bags. "But I'll entertain a motion for reconsideration later, okay?"

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