Chapter 1 : Anastasia

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Warning: This does include some abuse to the main character as a child. 


"Now tell me, what are you supposed to do next time?" said my stepmother.

"Nevew touch big sistew's stuff again...(never touch big sister's stuff again)" 

Now that I think about it...why did i ever consider her a mother...

"Ew! I told you to not call me you big sister! It's disgusting!" 

Her? A sister? Wow I was a foolish five year old...But then again, what would someone expect of a child...?


"Did you hear her? She said its annoying when you call her sister. If I ever hear you calling her that ever again....

SLAP! know what will happen."

"Y-yes....yow mathesty....(your majesty)"

I know what will happen...Of course I know what will happen....

It's become a routine...

But when was it not?

 Ah...if only I could escape...

Why not? 

They wouldn't care if I did anyway. What am I but a nuisance to this place? 

Even the maids think I'm annoying...

Say...what did I ever do to them? 

I would ask that question if I didn't know the answer, too bad I do....

What if i didn't? What would my life be like then?

Oh those dumb questions-

"Your highness~"

Oh gosh...It's that noisy maid again...her voice alone annoys me to the core...

"Her majesty the empress has called for you."

"Yes...I'm coming"

"Oh, and she ordered me to deliver this to you as well."

Oh...It's a box...I wonder what's inside. Well, not that I have any high expectations for what's inside...but it would be nice to see what's in there anywa-

"Umm...Betty, I think you gave me the wrong box"

"Oh my goodness! It's a dress!"

She didn't listen to me did she...

"Just give it back to her majesty and tell her I'm coming"

I said that as i placed the lid back on the box...What is this joke? 

The Empress

Giving ME a dress?

That wouldn't happen in a million years...

I know it's disrespectful to return a gift from the empress herself, but that's not the case here because the gift probably wasn't even for me...

"You can't do that princess! It's disrespectful to return a gift from-!"

"Face it Betty, we both know this wasn't for me. It was probably meant for Natalie-"

"No your highness! The empress specifically told me to give it to you!"

She was probably dreaming when she heard that...


I'm not wearing that dress.

Even if  it was meant for me...

Who knows what that lunatic was thinking when she decided it was a good idea to give me a dress.

Besides, I don't need anything from her.

I'm perfectly fine on my own...

"Anastasia Diane Aurelia greets you your majesties..." I said, when I arrived.

Why is the emperor here?

I thought it was the empress that called for me.

But they're both here...

"Anastasia! I appreciate that you came here despite you busy schedule." said the emperor.

Yea if you'd know what's going on...

Oh how oblivious he was...

"The pleasure is all mine you majesty."

What kind of father is he?

How could someone leave his daughter in the hands of some lunatic?

Can I even call him my father?

"Anastasia! My darling daughter!"

Oh. There she goes with her pathetic acting.

She's always acting so sweet and soft in front of the emperor...

That's one reason he's so blind to what's going on within his castle walls.

What am I supposed to say now?

I missed you mother...?

She walked towards me..

And she hugged me.

When was the last time someone hugged me?

"You didn't wear the dress I sent you..." she whispered into my ear.

Of course.

It's as if she would come and hug me out of the blue...

I didn't answer...then again...what was I supposed to say?

She walked back and sat down...

Looks like they have a lot to say.

"Sit down, Anastasia."

"Yes your Majesty."

I wonder what's going on...

"Listen, Anastasia..."

I haven't talked to him for so long...

"...there's something important you should know..."

Now that i think about it...

"...the empress and I have made a decision..."

I think I like it a little bi-

"'re getting married."


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