Chapter 2 : The Royal Family

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Leopold Asher Aurelia...

Emperor of the Aurelian Empire.


My father...

But oh what a father he is.

And what a father he's been to me for the past 15 years of my life...

Sometimes I wonder...

Can I even call him my father....?


Whether I can or not, there will always be people who can.

Leopold Asher Aurelia, the emperor, has 7 children including me...

James Hans Aurelia

Natalie Rose Aurelia

Anastasia Diane Aurelia

Leopold II Ash Aurelia

Violet Anne Aurelia

Charles Ray Aurelia


Charlotte Dia Aurelia.

James, Natalie, and I, are the children of the first empress, who passed away shortly after giving birth to me...

Leopold, Violet, Charles and Charlotte, are the children of the second empress, my "stepmother"...

When the first empress, my mother, passed away, I was seen primarily as the reason.

Everyone thought I was...

Even my own father...

But oh how ironic...

And if it stopped there it would've been okay...

Too bad it didn't.

At the age of about 3, I was found to be the member of the royal family that appears every 100 years...

The Unfortunate

The Cursed

Royalty's Disgrace....

All were names people called me...

What was I but a harmless 3 year old?

What was I but innocent?

The answer to all my questions was, I was simply a victim of suspicion.

I was the center of a legend that has been passed down ever since the founding of the empire... 


"E-Excuse me your majesty...! Would you mind repeating that again?"

"Listen Anastasia, this decision was carefully made. And besides, it's for you own good-"

"How is something against my will for my own good?! With all due respect your majesty I have to decline!"

"But this is for the benefit of the empire Anastasia! How can you abandon your beloved home like that?"


Never has this place felt like home...


How can I abandon a place that had already abandoned me?

He never asked about me...

He never even bothered to remember me...!

I was always dead to him...!

And now he's demanding me to get married?!

"Your majesty, I don't think I'm the right person for this. Why don't you choose Princess Natalie to get married instead? She's of much more marriageable age and-"

"Anastasia, My lovely daughter, I think I have a better Idea~..."

What does she want...

"...Why don't you take your time to think this through! You're a bright young lady, I'm sure you'll realize how beneficial this is to both you and our beloved empire. What do you think your majesty?"

"The Empress is correct Anastasia. Why don't you go and think this through? We'll discuss it in a few days."

"But! Your majesty-!"

"This discussion is over Anastasia. Go back to your room and think carefully. You're excused."



It can't end like that!

I don't want to think this through-!

I need to convince him to-!

"You heard him...get out..."

Of course...

If only the emperor could hear those sly whispers...

"May god bless the emperor and empress of Aurelia..."

Oh how I hate curtsying in front of them...

Walking in those halls feels like it could take forever...

But would walking in them be as bad as living with people like these...?

I think not...


What do I do now?

I'm back in my room to supposedly "Think about it"

What's there to think about?

They are asking me to get married after not talking to me for years...

What am I supposed to think about?


Who's opening my door...?

...My lovely sister!"


Why is she here.....

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