5. The People with Nowhere to Return (3) The Secret

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"Finish the darkness? Any other words? Can't think of anything more specific?"

"Um... that's all."

It was disappointing. To finish the darkness? Where to? The whole world was trapped in darkness, so where was he supposed to have gone? I didn't want to linger any longer, so I got up.

"Is there anyone else in this building who might know Wes? In his dormitory?"

I asked Thomson, who had also stood up, one last question.

"There's no one else in this building. And the dormitories have all burned down, as I said."

"There's nothing we can do then. Thank you for your help. If I ever meet Wes, I'll be sure to tell him I met Mr. Thomson."

"That's fine. But leave after the siren ends."

"Don't worry. I'll look around the building a bit more, then leave when it's safe."

I offered Thomson the model I was carrying. However, he refused with a palm gesture and instead put the cola he had on the side table into my jacket pocket.

"Take this. You need it more than I do. Give the cola to someone you want to give it to. It's my gift. I still have a few left. And, if you meet Wes, just tell him that Professor John Knox died before me."

Thomson put both his hands in his coat pockets. Unlike when we first met, it didn't seem aggressive. Rather, it was the opposite.

"I will. Thank you."

"That's okay. I won't ask how you got into this building. Take care."

"Yes. Stay healthy."

I left Thomson's place. It was a relief in many ways that he hadn't asked me too many questions. Also, my imagination had its limits when it came to lying.

It felt colder in the hallway after leaving the relatively warm place. I held the model Sun-woo had made like a trophy salvaged from the flames, heading towards a dark corner of the assembly hall. Even knowing there was no one to see me, I checked my surroundings once more, following the manual I had set for myself. Then, I used the teleporter.


I arrived in my bedroom at home. It felt gratefully less cold than Chicago. Yet, it was dawn in Korea, and I've never felt more desperate for my blanket. Where should I go next to find Sun-woo? Having used the teleporter three times, I wonder what form my three misfortunes will take. As I tried to lie down on the bed, I felt something rough at the bottom of Sun-woo's model. 

Flipping it over, I found small letters embossed on it. Bringing the model under the ceiling light, I read the letters.

"Valkama Research Foundation"

It matched the English name of the Valkama Research Foundation I knew.

Why? Why is this written here? Does Sun-woo have some connection to Valkama? Was Sun-woo also supported by Valkama like me? Thinking about it, I realized I knew nothing about Valkama. Who runs the foundation, which country it belongs to, or even why they support my research.

A loudspeaker's voice came from outside. Someone seemed to be driving past the front of the house with speakers attached to their car.

"You have to demolish to rebuild. You have to die to live again. The constructive destroyer! The one who chooses death first will save humanity from suffering. Join Sed. Everyone."

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