chapter 1

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Shuichi's pov:

My eyes fluttered open as I slowly awakened, I looked around at my danganronpa-themed room, my bedding and pillow case was danganronpa themed, I had shelfs full of danganronpa figures, I had piles of danganronpa plushies fill my bed next to me as I cuddled up to a monokuma plushie, my one of my curtains was white and one was black to match monokuma, I had danganronpa posters all over my walls, my laptop on my desk had danganronpa stickers on it and my phone had a monokuma phone case.

I got up and got dresses into my school uniform, I grabbed my bag and shoved my pencil case, my PE kit and my sketchbook in it, I have PE today (same) which means kaito is going to yell at everyone for being bad at the game, which annoys me. My bag had a bunch of danganronpa badges on it.

I put my hat on and went downstairs to make myself breakfast, my uncle is at work, he's always at work. I grab a bowl and a spoon then wash both of them and pour cereal in, then put the milk in, I carry it to the dining table and set it down on the table infront of me, then I sit down and eat my breakfast, it was a limited addition danganronpa cereal, he has little marshmallow monokumas in it and some plain loops, my uncle lets me get/do whatever I want to make up for the fact that he's always at work and my parents are dead, I felt alone, I had no friends except kokichi and even then people still judge him for hanging out with me and normally he's with his friends, I think he only hangs out with me out of sympathy.

After I finished my breakfast I got up and left the house, I saw kokichi wasn't far down the street so I went up behind him and tapped on his shoulder, I waved and smiled softly. "Hey shuichi." Kokichi keeps walking and I follow him. "Hey kichi!" I grinned then continued to talk about danganronpa, people call me creepy for liking it but I don't know why I'm so obsessed with it, I'm just fixated on it, it makes me feel better, it distracts me from how miserable my life actually is.

Soon me and kokichi get to school, but just before kokichi could part ways, the bell rung, and we have the same class + we sit next to each other so we walked to class together. We arrived at class and we sat next to eachother, we began to do our work until kokichi's pen ran out of ink. "Hey, do you have a spare pen?" Kokichi asks, I nod and pass him a pen, out hands brushed against eachother, it felt magical, he blushed and thanked me.

I tried not to squeal with joy or smile too much but I was very happy, he blushed at me and our hands touched! We're just like komahina! I tried to calm down and carry on with my work, after I finished my work I started drawing in my notepad, I would draw danganronpa fanart, when lesson ended, everyone sprinted out of the class, I packed my stuff up and walked out of class.

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