chapter 2

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The day goes by pretty fast, we have lunch now, after fighting for my life in the lunch line I search for somewhere to sit, I look over and to my surprise, kokichi was sat by himself, normally kokichi was sat with a few of his friends, although I feel sympathetic for him I am quite happy, it means I have him all to myself! I make my way over to his table and sit next to him.

"Hey kokichi, I hope you don't mind me sitting here..." kokichi's head shot up to look at me, he was surprised to see me. "Oh- Yeah, I don't mind.." he said quietly, there was some awkward silence until I decided to ask him why he was alone. "So...why are you sat by yourself? Normally you're sat with your friends..." Kokichi twiddled with his fingers sheepishly. "Well...rantaro is sat with his friends, miu is also sat with her friends, kiibo is studying and maki is also with her friends..." I frowned, how could they all just abandon him like this? What could be so important that they have to leave him all alone!

"So...all your friends just...ditched you?" Kokichi was taken aback a bit. "No- they're just busy, and it just so happens that they're all busy at the same time, I don't really mind though, I don't mind sitting alone, plush they have their own lives so I don't really take it personally."

I nodded my head, I still can't believe it, why would anyone ditch my Kokichi? Me and kokichi talked about danganronpa for the rest of lunch, yet I still couldn't stop thinking about it. I looked over to see Rantaro giving me a nasty glare, I look away sheepishly and then notice that he's coming over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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