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The weekend went by very quickly and just two days later I found myself standing in front of my school.

I took a deep breath before stepping in. My first lesson was math, but I was early enough to mentally prepare. I didn't even know why I was so stressed - after all, I was getting along with math. But, deep in my mind there was one thought - "It must be because of my new teacher." I tried to ignore that thought, but it was like an intrusive fly that would never give up on pissing you off.

Eventually I pulled out my sketchbook and I started drawing. I like to draw, especially animals and anime characters. I like to design their clothes too.

I was just drawing my favourite character in a cat outfit, when the bell rang. Ugh; I must go. Through the break many students came and went away but nobody disturbed me - I haven't had any close friends in this class.

But I couldn't care less. I was happy with Din.

We; I mean, my classmates and I, were waiting for the teacher, but not quite long - he soon appeared in the end of the corridor, walking towards us. He was dressed differently from recently, in all black: black trousers and black shirt. He looked hot in that, I couldn't disagree.

- Good morning, students! - he greeted us with a smile and he opened the door. I murmured back "good morning" and entered the class, last like always. I looked up at my teacher and we met each other's eyes. In that moment I felt pleasant warmth from his calm gaze.

I looked away, blushing slightly. Good thing that he couldn't notice - I'd already turned back and hurried up to get into the classroom quicker.

"This is going to be a long lesson..." - I thought, sitting down.


To my surprise it wasn't that long. We just did some basic exercises, in which I was great. When the bell rang again, I started to pack my things. I tried to do it quickly to not stay in the same room as him for too long. Wait, why did I suddendly became so shy?

- Uhm... Bay, am I right? - I shuddered at these words and looked up. It was mr. Pur - I knew it even before I looked at him. After all, a voice like his is unforgettable.

- Oh! You scared me, sir. - I laughed it off with a nervous smile. What could he want from someone like me?

- Sorry, haha. Could you stay here for a moment?

- Of course. - I finished packing a little slower than earlier and looked at my teacher with anticipation.

- You see, I noticed that you're quite good, nay, great at the subject I teach. And... I'd like to offer you my private tutoring. If you agree, we will not do "normal" lessons, I'll teach you things beyond basic and even advanced math. I'll prepare you to various contests-

- YES! I mean... Could we? I'll be very happy if so! - I immediately agreed, maybe too fast. But I didn't care.

- Okay! Hmm... then maybe I'll give you my number, and you can give me yours. I'll just call you when I have time, okay?

- Right. - I agreed.

- Its *** *** ***. Got it? - he smiled.

- Y-yes...

I just realized: HE. Gave ME. HIS NUMBER.

- Okay, that's all I've wanted, at least for now. You can go now.

I quickly got to the door and said:

- Goodbye, professor! Have a nice day! - and I smiled again. He did the same and I left.

"Bay, stay calm, Bay, calm" - I warned myself in my mind when I was walking to my next classroom. - "You can't be so happy because you exchanged numbers" - I tried to calm myself, but apparently it didn't work. I was so excited.

When I had arrived to the classroom, I felt my cheeks burning, so I found a bathroom nearby and walked in. Luckily there was no one.

- Ugh... - I washed my face with cold water, but it didn't work. I was still blushing. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I saw a young boy with purple horns and a TOTALLY red face. I still can't believe it happened.

- Who are you blushing so hard for, huh? - I saw a black-haired boy enter the bathroom. I turned back.

He had orange eyes and a yellow scarf around his neck. I said nothing. I didn't even know him!

I left the bathroom.


While I was in class, I still couldn't stop thinking about mr. Pur. I had many questions, but there wasn't any answers. Did he act like that to other students too? And for some reason I've felt like the tutoring wasn't the only reason for exchanging numbers. But maybe I wasn't right...?


808 words

Hello! Sorry for not uploading yesterday, but I forgot xD

From now on the chapters will get more... hmmm, with action? Idk how to say this lol

Please correct me if I have any grammar mistakes - I'm not a native English.

As always, if you enjoyed this, please hit the star and comment! Thank you :)

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