Back to normal/Richard's age regression

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At the park, Gumball and Darwin are having fun riding the spring riders while everyone stared at them in shock. Anais is playing the swing while Richard is having a hard time pushing her up.

Anais: Higher! Higher! [Laughs]

Nicole: [Talking to a family while the mother is covering her child's eyes] They grow up so fast.

Richard: Oh, precious mo--

Anais falls back down on the swing and hits Richard unconscious, laughing at the same time.

Suddenly, her stomach starts grumbling, and so did Gumball's and Darwin's.

They turned back into kids.

"Yay! We're back to normal!" Said Gumball, Darwin, and Anais.

"It worked!" Said Richard and Nicole.

They went back home.

"Whoa, what's this?" Said Gumball.

They saw some glass cups and read some sticky notes that said "drink me."

"I wish I was a naked little baby." Said Gumball.

"Me, too." Said Darwin, Anais, Nicole, and Richard.

But, nothing happened.

"Maybe, we can drink some water one by one, when we go to the bathroom, and we'll look at ourselves in the mirror when we're drinking some water. How's that sound?" Asked Nicole.

"Yeah." They said.

They went to the bathroom.

"Let's fill up the bathtub, first." Said Gumball.

He turned the faucet, and filled the bathtub with water.

A few minutes later, the bathtub is finally full, and Gumball turned off the faucet.

"Richard, you ready to take off your clothes?" Asked Nicole.

"Sure, let's all line up and take off our clothes after one person has turned into a baby." Said Richard, as he takes off his tie, his shirt, his pants, and his underwear, and now he's completely nude.

"You ready, Richard?" Asked Nicole.

"Yeah! Here we go." Said Richard.

He drank the fountain of youth, then he burped, he placed the cup on the sink, and then, he started to feel the effects, and his stomach started growling.

"Here goes." Richard said, woozily.

He starts shrinking.

"Huh? Wha? Yes! It's working!" Said Richard, as his voice is getting high.

He becomes a teenager while he's shrinking.

"Yes, Richard! You're doing great! Keep looking at yourself." Said Nicole.

Richard kept looking at himself, while he's getting younger.

And the regression stops.

Richard Watterson is now a naked little baby. He rubbed his eyes and yawned while waking up.

"Richard, are you alright?" Asked Nicole.

"(High-pitched voice) Yeah, I'm fine." Said Baby Richard.

He noticed he's naked and he covered his crotch in embarrassment while blushing, smiling, and laughing nervously.

"You ready to take bath?" Asked Nicole.

"Yeah." Said Baby Richard.

Nicole picks him up and placed him in the bathtub.

Baby Richard laughed and he went for a swim, and he made small splashes in the tub.

That's one Watterson baby down, 4 more Watterson adults to go.

The Amazing World of Gumball: The nurseryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang