I need to take my normal pills

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ok so maybe we need some clarification and extra info :P

aight so this is an au I came up with all on my own. I honestly don't know how, but it happened. I take most of my inspiration from drowso and her stories ( go check her out!! <3 )

extra info time!

airys full name is aaron in this fic bc i said so

airy and liam somewhat know each other from work  (owen kinda killed him in the plane dimension like 3 yrs ago, he found his way to earth again and works with Liam now :D)

stella is alive. she gets to live.

texty can jump in and out of her laptop

airys work was stolen by owen which is sad

I made Charlie 2 yrs old instead of whatever age he was in canon


ok so ere are the names

Lantern - airy

Backpack - Liam

Soda bottle - bryce

Magazine - Taylor

Tomato - charlie

Scenty - amelia

Moldy - charlotte

hfjone but owen is airy except its discontinuedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt