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I was in awe as I walked thru the castle doors at Hogwarts! It was real?! It was all real! The magic! Id always heard stories but never believed them. My name is Ava King. I'd say I was a daughter of some great monarch or something but I was adopted. Never knew my real parents. But my foster family did a great job raising me. Then after I turned 15 I got invited to a school beyond my wildest dreams! Id heard the stories of a boy named Harry Potter. Now I'm walking the same hallways as him! "Hey watch it!" I hear a voice say rather rudely. I turn and a nice looking-tho I could tell he was arrogant beyond words-blonde haired boy claimed I was in his way. I rolled my eyes and continued on my way. As we got to the great hall my anticipation was about to explode out of me! The new students stood at the podium beside a hat on a chair. Suddenly the hat began to speak! All on its own! A lady in a witches hat called a student up and placed it on their head. The hat got them sorted to their house. It was my turn. I took a deep breath and sat as the hat was placed on my head. " Hmm.. something fishy about this one. Hard to tell..." It hemmed and hawed around a bit then said "Hufflepuff!" People cheered and I joined my new "family". Eventually the ceremony was over, the headmaster said a few words of welcome and we were all dismissed. As I left I saw that blonde boy again, staring at me as though I were the most disgusting thing he'd scraped off the bottom of his shoe. 'what did I ever do to him?' I wondered. But shook it off as I was headed to the stairs a hand touched my shoulder-one of the professors pulled me aside and said the headmaster wanted me in his office. I thought I'd done something wrong. I heard a couple of 'ooh' and I got a bit nervous. When I walked in, there was Hagrid..he was the one who brought me here. He smiled again as I came in then said goodbye to Dumbledore and left. I stared at the headmaster a bit confused. "Sir, as much as I have enjoyed this fever dream, I feel there's been a mistake. Hagrid, that's his name right? Well he took me to the wand shop and none of them worked..I honestly think it's just a bunch of..sticks?" I said with a bit of confusion. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows then lowered them before he spoke. "Ava..King is it? I've been looking thru your files and into your past-a past which you know nothing about. But you are about to learn the reason why you were brought here." I sat, intrigued. He told me, "Your great great grandmother was a witch here at Hogwarts..many years ago. Top of her class. Lived a happy and full life. Years later down the line you were born. Then you went up for adoption " I nodded. "Yes, when I was very little. I was told I was adopted but was told my parents died." The headmaster said solemnly "yes it wasn't tragic but they passed peacefully. Did your foster family never tell you about your history?" I shrugged and said no. "Have you ever noticed anything...odd about yourself?" I looked at myself "besides me just being weird? No not really." He nodded "Tell me about the last couple years, Ava. Has your life changed at all?" I looked around the room and said "yea. When I turned 12 my-" a knock came harshly on the door-"Albus! It's Lucius! I would like a word." The last sentence seemed to drag out and punch into the air. He looked at me like, well like the blonde boy did-with a look of utter disgust. Dumbledore excused me and I went on towards my other class. I still hadn't found my dorm yet-even tho all of my things were there. After a few classes it was lunch time. I made my way to the great hall and sat with my "family" I feel weird calling them family so I think I'll just stick with..group..we chatted a bit but eventually they seemed to ignore me. Then I headed for my dorm. I started on the stairs and suddenly they moved! I was the only one on my staircase so I was totally lost. Started wandering down the corridor. Suddenly the blonde boy is running out of a room chasing someone with a stick..or wand..we crashed into each other and he glared at me "watch where you're going mudblood!" And shoved me out of his way as he got up and ran after his friends. I was left on the floor scratching my head-what on earth was a mudblood?! Then I looked up and there was a little blonde girl. At first I assumed they were related but she held her hand out warmly and said " hello I'm Luna Lovegood! Don't worry about him he treats us all like garbage." I shook myself off as I stood. "Thank you. I'm Ava. I'm new. To all of this. Always just thought it was fantasy or make believe stories. But it's incredible! I hope I learn to use one of those wands and am able to stay." She gave me a funny look by said nothing. We then tried the stairs again and managed to get to my room. When I walked in there was a note on the floor. Come to the headmasters office please. So I turned around and made my way back..give or take a few steps. When I walked in no one else was in the room except the headmaster. He started again, not mincing any words this time in case we got interrupted I assume. "Your ancestor is a witch but you are not." I thought 'oh boy this is it. Time to pack up and go home.' but he continued "when your parents agreed to let you come here they had told me they restricted your recreational use of water for about 3or 4 yrs now, is that right?" I nodded, "yes I have very sensitive skin and can't go in fresh water, salt water or pools. Only baths n showers at home." He smiled a bit when he heard my explanation. "Would you like to know the truth?" He said with a twinkle in his eye as he smiled.

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