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My eyes were wide at hearing what Dumbledore said. "You're kidding right? Me, a mermaid? But that's like, not possible!" I said in disbelief. He poured himself a glass of water from a pitcher but the cup was suspended in the air. "Not possible? You're at Hogwarts my dear, lots of things are possible!" I stared at him for a moment then tried to accept what I was seeing, hearing, and becoming a part of. He told me about water magic and a few other things. Then suggested maybe later when it's quiet I go down to the lake and "take a swim" I was a bit nervous since I hadn't been in the water for years-not that I don't know how to swim! Up until my parents said I couldn't for whatever reason I was in swimming pools and lakes n rivers every summer! I listened to what all he had to say then I was dismissed. I stepped out of the office and made my way to my room. Made friends with the golden trio..tho not as close as they all were I was accepted as a friend to them! I told them my lifestyle and they were a bit impressed! "Wow a real life mermaid! That's enchanting!" Said Hermione. Ron, being the oof that he was, with his mouth full of chocolate frog said "wicked!" And Harry was beaming from ear to ear at how wonderful it sounded. We chatted for a bit but I didn't have much to say about it. They had a warning for me "stay clear of the Malfoys. Lucius is a nasty one when it comes to merfolk..many of his friends are fishermen. And they don't always play by the rules." I took it into account and nodded. We went out separate ways and I headed for the lake. I glanced around, it seemed peaceful and secluded. I walked out onto a fallen log the buried itself into the lake. I looked down. The water was calm and clear. I looked around. Good, no one in sight. Took my shoes and robe off, set them aside the stripped down the rest of the way and dove in! The water was a bit chilly at first but I must've gotten used to it. I felt this sort of...magic...I have no other way to describe it, wash over me and there was a brilliant blue hue then it faded. I lifted my legs up and saw-a tail! I had a freaking tail! I'm a mermaid! I swam around underwater and got used to navigating! I could breathe underwater! So cool! But I wasn't sure how I was gonna get out. I felt a small tingling in my... tail? I lifted it out and it was back to legs! I grabbed a towel and my robe and got out, got redressed and headed back for the castle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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