Chapter 3

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I've got less than a hundred miles to go to.

Almost there.

The taste of finding peace to lessen my heartache is on the tip of my tongue. I want to overcome this sadness that consumes me. I deserve better than the shattering pieces of my heart. I wonder if he even cares. Probably not, considering he's been fucking around and lying to my face.

Oh, hell, and a bucket of shit.

This lonely drive is making me fucking crazy. I wasn't supposed to dwell on that piece of no-good son of a bitch. Ugh!

Ok, happy thoughts. Happy thoughts Mel, you can do this. This pep talk is going to get me through this drive. I know it can.

Sweet! The sign on the side of the road shows 70 miles left.

My life will get better. I can find happiness again. It doesn't matter if I will grow old alone as long as I can achieve happiness myself.

Ring, ring, ring.

The disposable phone in my cupholder shows Brianna calling. It's only 8 in the morning. This is too early for her to wake up. What could have her call me at this hour?

Oh, dear.

Please tell me he didn't bother her about me.

I should not be talking on the phone and driving, but her call worries me. I reached for the phone to answer it.

"Hey, you! Isn't it too early for you to be waking up?" I slightly chuckle, hoping a little levity will lessen whatever she blows my way.

"Tell me about it. How's the drive?"

"Less than an hour away."

I wait a few breaths before asking her why she's calling me.

"Bri, what is it? I know you love me to check up on me, but even calling this early is telling me something has happened."

I hear her give a deep sigh before she answers.

"Mel, he showed up here a couple of hours ago."

"Please tell me he didn't go crazy on you."

"Well, he did bang on my door at the ass crack of dawn and wake up my neighbors."

"I'm sorry," I tell her softly. Then, I asked her the important question that was weighing on my mind from the start of her call.

" didn't tell him where I was going, did you?"

"No." Her answer was hesitant.

I can hear her mind thinking over the phone. She's going to tell me something I don't want to hear.

"Please just spit it out and tell me what you guys talked about."

"He wanted to know where you were going, and I didn't tell him. I also told him that you didn't know who sent the pictures but that he was a cheating bastard and that he deserved to be stabbed in the dick."

I laughed a little at that last part.

"He was begging me to tell you that he wanted to see you. He wants to explain a few things."

"There's nothing to explain. He cheated on me, end of story. We are done. Nothing he can say will change what he did."

"I know Mel, but he looked devasted. Like his world was ending, knowing that he fucked up."

"You can imagine how I felt looking at those pictures of him with other women."

Her deep sigh tells me she wants me to listen to her and think about what she is saying.

"Melody, he just wants to talk. That's all. I said I would pass on the message and that whatever you decide, he must support your decision. I know this is difficult, trust me I know. But perhaps this will give you the closure you need before moving on without dwelling on the past. You're on your way to starting your new life, and you need to close this chapter to find peace."


That word that I can almost taste. It's so tempting. But how can I look at him without breaking down like a sobbing idiot? I already did that without him. How can I do that with his handsome face in front of me? Will I even have the strength? I want this chapter closed. I want that closure that apparently many people need to fully move on with their lives.


"Fine. I'll meet him. Only because I want to move on."

"Ok, he said to reach out to him with a time and place. Sweetheart, I know this will be hard, but I know you can do it. And no matter what, I got your back. Please let me know when you get to your new place, and if you need anything, and I mean anything at all, let me know."

"Thanks, Bri, you're the best."

"You too, girly. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up and thought about what she said.

Devasted? His world was ending? I highly doubt that. Based on those photos, he looked like he had the time of his life. Still, I want this damn closure, and I will make sure I get it.

I remember a gas station that was connected to a diner halfway through the drive. That'll be a good place to meet. I don't want him to be close to the town I'll be living in.

I guess I'll be texting him when I get to my new place. I can only hope he will let me go in the end and not make this separation difficult.

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