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Some part of me is vaguely happy that Jenna decided to pay me a visit before she left. It gives me time to gloat again. But her prissy little smirk is back, and it is quite obvious that she's planned something. I'm still high on our win, though, and would be happy to see her lose again. I'll play with fire, just for tonight.

"Jenna, well played, just a shame you had to let down your team."

Her demeanour falters, and she is clearly struggling to keep her face from showing just how much she wants to smash my face in the ground. Funnily enough, that's something we can agree on, but instead of my own, I want her face on the tarmac.

 I give her an innocent smile, and she pounces.  For the second time in the last hour, I end up on the floor at her hands. I may be the better player,  but that girl knows how to fight, and this time it's on to concrete. She also had the element of surprise. I never would have guessed that she would actually try to attack me. Cheeky bitch.

"What the fuck, Jenna!" This is now just insane, the girl obviously has fragile values if this is how she takes a loss.

 "You think this is a joke? Huh? You think it's funny. Guess what Thea. It's not funny. Maybe you'll realise that in a minute." 

Ok, I know the bitch is mad, but surely she isn't going to actually attempt to beat me up? The thought both excites me and terrifies me at the same time. Mostly terrifies me, to be completely honest. We've never fought before, and I've never even been in a fight, so I have no idea how this will pan out. I don't know if she would actually win, or if I could maybe deal the same amount of damage. I don't really want to find out, but I suppose I don't really have much choice.

My fight instinct kicks in as soon she starts swiping at my face, and I roll over so that she's under me. Maybe this will be easier than I had originally thought. "Give up yet, or are you ready to lose in this, too?" 

She stops struggling for a minute, and I assume that she's giving up, and I let out a sigh of relief. But dear Jenna had other ideas, and in the space of about 3 seconds, she flips me back over and smashes my face against the concrete so hard I can barely think. 

I hear someone far away mutter, "Shit", and I can't feel the weight that was pressing on me anymore. "Jenna?"  My voice feels weak and I can't see anything. Surely she wouldn't just leave me here. Oh well. Someone'll be out at some point. I hope.

I suppose Jenna and I are even now. I won the game, she won this stupid fight. Except she didn't really. I'm not particularly well versed in street fighting, but something tells me sneaking up on an unsuspecting opponent is foul play, even if they are your sworn enemy. But that's exactly how Jenna's always played, dirty. We both get under each other's skin, always have, but I did put it past her to actually be out for blood. Next match, maybe I'll have to adopt some of her own tactics. See how you like that, Jenna.

Whatever she's done, it fucking hurts, I'll tell you that. But I'm not unconscious. Or dead. I suppose that's good. I can't really see though, and I feel as if I've drunk far too much, soooo- concussion, maybe. I could be a medic. Hah. A medic, like Adam. What was that all about earlier. I was genuinely acting like my 13 year old self. I reckon that I can chalk it up to pre match nerves. 

But seriously, Thea, pull yourself together. He isn't God. In fact, he's the furthest thing from divine. And he does not care one bit about me. At the very best, he thinks I'm cute, in the same way I think babies are cute. Why can't I be the older one? Oh well.

My head keeps spinning, and I've decided that I won't move until someone finds me. You might think my survival instincts are shit, but it's more just the fact that I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself.

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