New Officer in Town

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After getting home last night from the game, my mind was buzzing with adrenaline; both from the fact that our team were now the national school champs, but also from the rest of the night.

First off, there was the absolute smash-attack, as Angela would like to say; shit, I haven't even told her about it yet. 

She missed the game, because she had to go see her sick grandma, which is of course understandable, but she still sent me like a thousand apology messages. The girl cares too much for her own good. Much better excuse than my parents anyway, I didn't even get a response to my, Would you like to come to my game? It's really important, message. But I could see that they both read it.

 Whatever. Who needs supportive parents, anyway, right?

Anyway, the smash-attack. Adonis. Holy Mother of God, that man was fine. AND, he goes to our school. Too much for my puny brain to handle, I think. 

And of course there was Adam, I still have yet to properly thank him for my leg. But he was acting weird  the rest of the night, so I decided it best not to give him more reason to behave strangely. I still can't figure out what was up with him, but it's not like I would know anyway. We're not exactly close. Roman probably does.

I don't think I've ever not had a crush, actually. It was always Iron Man when I was younger, and it's now mostly Cillian Murphy (my short king), but I think appreciating beauty is a natural thing. If I see someone attractive, it's not just me, it's very usually fact. I have very good taste. The only person who wouldn't agree would be Angela, but that's just because she has very questionable taste.

My lovely daydream comes to a sudden halt, when a pillow is chucked at my face. If my eyes had been open, my insane reaction speed would have never allowed for such a thing to happen. Without even opening my eyes, I know the culprit. Mostly because there could have only been one, unless someone was attempting to kidnap me at 7.30 in the morning.

"What the fuck, Roman? Ever heard of letting sleeping dogs lie?"

"Well, first, maybe you are right, because you look like a dog, and second, if you don't wake up now, then I'm not giving you a lift. "What a lovely and complimentary brother I have. I can hear my heart swelling at his words.

 But he does have a point. I'm feeling extraordinarily lazy this morning, and don't know if I can manage the 5 minute walk to the bus stop. The fact that he can drive always throws me off though. Logically, I know he's got his license now, as a, mature 17 year old man, like he likes to call himself, but it just doesn't seem right.

"I would rather look like a dog than look anything like you. And there was no need to wake me up so early, I'll take 15 minutes, max." He just rolls his eyes at me, what a sassy boy he is, and turns and slams the door on me. Oh well, at least he shut it. 

I shrug on my uniform, cursing myself for not taking my blazer out of my kit bag yesterday, as it now looks like a pile of mince. I brush my teeth and thank myself for washing my hair last night, as it now hangs in loose waves, so I don't need to brush it today. I then run downstairs and make myself a quick bowl of cereal, shove it down my mouth, and run to the car before Roman literally drives away without me.

The drive only takes about ten minutes, but I can tell that Roman is itching to ask me something. I glance at him with one eyebrow raised, encouraging him to just spit out whatever he's so obviously desperate to ask me. "What is it, Roman?"

"Hmm?" I give him a sideways glare.

"Do you still like Adam?"

Oh. That's what this is about. Honestly, I don't really know, but it's better to throw him off any sort of scent. "Nah, outgrew that phase at the grand age of 14. My taste has matured."

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