chapter 2

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ok so sorry for not posting in a while I'm lazy and lack motivation but I will push through and try to bring out more chapters

pls note the next few chapters are gonna be mostly fillers cus of school and will play the role of explaining how Izuku got his quirk and what it does

3rd person

Izuku and Katsuki ran back to katsuki's moms' car excited knowing that they where going to get their quirks soon but there was something that bothered izuku.

izuku pov

"I'm so happy we're gonna get our quirks zuku"

" kacchan said but i couldn't help but feel sad."why do you look sad zuku aren't you excited"

"of course I am kacchan but the doctor said I might get a mutation quirk"

"so it doesn't matter"

"what if I'm ugly and you don't wanna be my friend anymore kacchan"

"it gonna be ok zuku I'm sure you won't be ugly and we are gonna be the strongest together"

"ok kacchan you're right"

"I'm always right"

3rd person

after the conversation between the two boys they had arrived home and continued to celebrate katsuki's as a fun day for the boys they played games and ate cake then at the end of the day had a sleepover

to be continued

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