So That's What You Look Like

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Somehow, I had managed to finally fall asleep, after god knows how long. To my shock, I had fallen asleep with my head on his shoulder and his head on mine. I quickly stood up, embarrassed about how I had been sleeping.

"And she's finally up!" Ryder cheered quietly.

"You were awake?" I questioned

"Yup, for the past few hours"

"Really Ryder? You let me fall asleep with my head on your shoulder!"

"It seemed like you were comfortable, and I didn't want to disturb that". Ugh, he seemed so pure, like that's really what he meant.

Only now I could really tell what he looked like, now that the sun was up, gleaming in the sky. He had blonde hair, that stuck outwards at the end, his eyes were blue, like the color you'd imagine a little round marble, and his skin a beautiful shade of ivory. His build was pretty average, and about 5'6, though it was hard to tell since he was still sitting.

Ryder stayed put with his back against the rock, his arms laying around the sides. "See, staring" he smirked and raised his palm as to say "I told you".

"Ryder, I'm not staring because I find you attractive, I just want to know who I slept on!" I hissed. The smile on his face grew wider. "Oh god, don't go taking that the wrong way now!" He just smirked again.

"You know last night you seemed a lot nicer" I sneered.

"What do you mean, I'm still nice. I'm always nice" he put on a fake smile.

Oh come on, how come even when it was fake his smile still had to look so good. I just shook my head with a faint amused smile on my face. Last night. Last night I realized what I had done, I left my sister alone and now I was lost. Ugh, I can't be standing around here joking with a boy I just met when my sister could be dead I thought. He must have noticed how my face fell because he asked "hey, are you alright?" Quickly he remembered what happened the last time he asked and added "right, sorry, I know you're not. What is it? And don't say you're fine either".

At least he cared about me, or it seemed, it was cute. I sighed, "Ryder, I don't know, I don't want you worrying about me or anything". "Ah it's fine, I don't really care, just thought it would be more polite if I asked" he raised an eyebrow. I glared at him again before answering "fine, it's my sister, yesterday morning I told her that I'd go out to get us food, then, I got lost, and she still at home. Well, I hope she is, but she's all alone and she can't take care of herself!"

Ryder looked a lot more sympathetic now. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had a sister, how old is she?" "Seven" "and what about you?"

It just occurred to me now that me and Ryder barely knew anything about each other. "Right, I'm fifteen, birthdays in June, whenever that is..." "Really? You look at least seventeen, I'm sixteen, seventeen in December".

No Ryder, I'm actually ninety-four, what do you think? I don't lie, when I say something I mean it. "Well, I guess we better get you out of here, back to your sister" he said. I nodded my head, but looking down at the dirt and sticks on the ground. "Do you have any clue where we are? Like, at all?" I asked him. He shook his head.

Neither did I, but I couldn't give up, Evelyn needed me. The only thing that could stop me from getting to her is death. "Well then, we better get moving, we're not getting any closer by sitting around".

"Actually, you're standing, but alright". I rolled my eyes and started walking, having no idea which way. "At wait up!" Ryder called from behind me, scrambling up to his feet and running to catch up. "Why do you walk so fast?" He asked. "Why do you walk so slow" I joked.

We continued walking hopefully in a straight line for a while without saying a word, just looking ahead, going forward step by step. I enjoyed being able to walk in silence, but at the same time, I needed the comfort of someone else. I held back from talking for another ten or so minutes, before I had to break the silence.

"Why did you come to me?" I asked.


"Last night. When I was just sitting there crying, you came up to me. Why?"

He looked at me with curious eyes before answering "cause I was lonely. I saw you there and hoped that we were both in the same situation and could stick together".

My eyes widened and I nodded. "Well I'm glad you did".

He grinned. "Yeah me too, you're not bad".

"What did you think I was?" I asked with an accusing voice.

"What? No! That's not what I men-"

My laughter cut him off, "I'm joking!"

We continued on walking quite a while until we had to stop for a lunch break. Luckily, he had a small bit of food with him that we were able to share. It was some sort of bird I think, but it really didn't matter, any food would be great.

We finished eating, packed up, and got back on the move again. I loved nature and walks and fresh air, but in times like this it wasn't as nice. Ryder helped me forget about the "times like this" part though, making it seem like it was just a nice little hike.

"Hey, so if we get out of here-" I started asking.

"Do you hear that?" Ryder asked.

"Really? I'm serious, stop trying to mock me. As I was trying to ask-"

"No. I wasn't mocking you, just shut up for a second. Listen."

Confused, I paused, stopped walking, and turned my ear closer to the sky.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

Someone was here, "yeah, I hear it" I breathed. A low growl was heard from behind my head, I quickly turned to face the sound. A few feet away, we were staring at a flick. 

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