secrets revealed| Regina George

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You, Y/N, have been dating Regina George, the queen bee of North Shore High School, in secret. You both agreed to keep your relationship under wraps, fearing the reactions of your peers.

One day, one of your friends notices the love bites on your neck. Panicked, you quickly make up a story about a boy from your chemistry class. What you don't know is that Regina is nearby and hears everything.

After your last class, you receive a text from Regina, asking you to meet her in the janitor's closet. When you arrive, you find Regina looking more serious than you've ever seen her.

"Y/N," she begins, her voice icy, "I heard what you told your friends about the love bites."

You feel a knot in your stomach. "Regina, I..."

"No," she interrupts, "I'm tired of hiding, Y/N. I'm tired of pretending that we're not together. It's time we tell everyone that we're dating."

You're taken aback by her words. You knew this day would come, but you didn't expect it to be so soon. Yet, looking into Regina's eyes, you know she's right. It's time to stop hiding. It's time to be honest about your relationship with Regina George.

The next day, you and Regina stand in the middle of the school cafeteria, all eyes on you. You turn to Regina, "Are you sure about this, baby?"

Regina nods, her hand squeezing yours for reassurance. She then clears her throat, her voice echoing in the cafeteria. "Everyone, may I get your attention please."

The cafeteria falls silent, everyone waiting for Regina to speak. But instead of speaking, Regina turns to you and pulls you into a passionate kiss. The cafeteria erupts in gasps and then applause.

When you finally pull away, Regina turns back to the crowd, her eyes scanning the room. "And for those who didn't get the memo," she says, her voice loud and clear, "Y/N is my girlfriend. So boys, girls, keep your hands off what's mine."

The cafeteria is silent for a moment, and then bursts into applause once more. You can't help but smile, feeling a sense of relief. You and Regina are finally out, and it feels amazing.

After revealing your relationship at school, Regina decides it's time to tell her parents. You're both nervous, but to your relief, Regina's parents are supportive. They're happy that Regina found someone who makes her happy.

Next, it's time to tell your parents. Your parents are always away on business trips, their bank accounts loaded with millions. You arrange a video call so they can meet Regina.

"Mom, Dad, this is Regina," you introduce, your hand intertwined with Regina's. "We're dating."

Your parents look surprised, but then they smile. "We're happy for you, Y/N," your mom says. "And it's nice to meet you, Regina."

Regina smiles, "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N."

After the call, you and Regina share a relieved laugh. You're both officially out, and your parents approve of your relationship. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Now, you can focus on being happy together.

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