Two - Highschool

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The sound of the alarm ringed loudly inside Killer's bedroom; however, he was already awake. He was running around and picking up his stuff to put in his backpack. He was nervous, very nervous.. Today was his first day back at Under High, and he had to at least give a good impression.

When he finished with the stuff, he took a look at himself on the mirror; he was fine. He was wearing a black turtleneck sweater with gray skinny jeans. It was normally what he liked to wear so he obviously felt good with it. He picked up one of his jackets, dragging his backpack with the other hand. He put it on his back and checked the time, smiling confidently before running out the door.


The first person he saw was Dust, who was staring at someone that Killer didn't bother to see who it was. He jumped on Dust's back and yelled right by his ear, "GOOD MORNING!!". Dust almost fell to the ground when Killer jumped on him, making him stumble with a surprised scream; "Holy shit Killer, what the fuck!?", he breathed out before Killer jumped back to the ground, laughing.

"I'm excited! Everything looks the same, it's so nostalgic!", he said happily while looking around the school. Dust chuckled and shook his head, leaning his back on the lockers. "I forgot you spent years away from us.. Such a good friend you are.", Dust joked following with a laugh; Killer punched his arm playfully, leaning on the lockers with him.

Then again, Dust rolled his eyes towards who he was at before.. Killer immediately noticed and looked at who the other was looking. He smiled and giggled, watching as Blue laughed by Dream's side. Killer glanced at Dust and raised his eyebrow; "You into Berry?", he asked the slightly taller one by his side, which immediately looked at him, apparently in shock.

"I- What?? No, I-", Dust nervously tried to answer before Cross came running towards them, Nightmare following behind, but walking. Dust thanked the gods and sighed, glaring at Killer, who only smiled playfully.

Cross stopped right in front of them and clapped his hands, smiling. "Morning!", he practically yelled before putting his hands on his waist. Nightmare stood a little behind him and looked towards Killer, who looked back at him and almost gasped. Man, was he looking good today.. Killer covered his mouth with one hand and felt his cheeks heat up, none of the two saying a word as they only stared at each other like yesterday.

Dust stared at them and made a disgusted face, rolling his eyes at the scene in front of him. Killer opened and closed his mouth a few times after taking his hand away, clearing his throat before quietly saying something; "H- Hi!! Good morning, Nightmare.". He was smiling at the taller in front of him, who grinned back and nodded.

"Good morning, Kills.", he answered politely, tilting his head to the side a little. Dust groaned, glaring at them. "Seriously, instead of exchanging loving and sexual tension eye contact, just kiss or something, holy fuck.", he said with an impatient tone. Cross only laughed and looked at them too.

Killer felt like he'd explode, immediately looking away as he bit his lower lip. Between him and Nightmare, things weren't the same anymore.. They really did have this... sexual tension or something. It was different. Killer missed the old time, maybe if he had kissed him before moving out they'd have something..?

"Shut up, Dust. Mind your own business.", Nightmare said and pushed Dust's face, making the other groan. He looked back at Killer, not wanting to leave things just there. They still had days to fix this weird tension; he raised his hand and gently ruffled Killer's hair, grinning at him before chuckling. "Don't bother with what he says, he hasn't even talked with Blue yet.", Killer looked at Nightmare and held back his laugh, only chuckling as he missed the touch.

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