Heart to Heart Talk

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Anthony's POV

I walk into my dad's house and follow him over to the couch. "So... Anthony, why did you decide to come over here tonight?" I look over to him and take a deep breath... "Well, a lot has been going on this past year and you are a neutral person when it comes to all of it." This is going to take a while to get off my chest.

"Okay Anthony... How about we talk about this past year and clear some of this up on my end." My dad looks at me with what seems like a sorrowful look. "This may take all night dad..." I give him a sincere look. "That's okay with me as long as your mother doesn't come here screaming for you." "She shouldn't, she's probably too busy screaming and cussing out my step dad." As I say this, my dad's look becomes hardened and a bit sad. "Things have gotten bad over there I see." He only knows a little bit but boy is he right.

"Dad, you don't know half the shit that I've had to deal with this past year. Some was great at first and some was just plain old tough to deal with." My dad gives me this look like I'm insane but he stays put. "Where would you like me to start?" He gives me a sympathetic look and says "How about everything with your friends, how's Ian doing?" Here we go...

"Well, Ian has had an eventful year..." I don't know what my dad is going to think of this... "Go on..." He nudges me like a child. "So, I had this party and alcohol was involved... Ian and his girlfriend Melanie ended up hooking up that night and that led to them having a son whom they named Ian Daniel Hecox-Moat. Not only has that happened to him but he and I kind of became friends with benefits and it's gotten awkward... I um, also managed to lose my girlfriend because she kissed one of my good friends on impulse."

My dad just gets up and closes the door to the kitchen where I'm assuming either my stepmother or little sister is standing, maybe both. "Well, you've gone through more shit then I have and you're only seventeen. You know, you can stay here until things smooth over with your mother and her husband and maybe you'll be able to patch things up with Ian because it sounds like you two are drifting apart." "You know what dad, that sounds like a great idea." I look at him and just start crying and he wraps me up in his arms. As this happens, my little sister who is only like three walks in and just joins the hug and it really calms me down. I finally feel welcome in the Padilla household and hopefully that'll never change.

Well guys, this took a lot of thinking and occurred during a serious Supernatural binge which may have affected the turn that this chapter took. Next chapter should be a nice one from what I have been told by Kim. I hope you enjoyed this and I can't wait to see what Kim writes next. -Cassidy-

Here's to Never Growing Up (Being Rewritten)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang