Doctor's Appointments are an escape

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Melanie's POV

Well, now that we've been back at school for a month I, of course, am getting looks from people and I don't like it.  Then there comes the times where people ask me questions and I'm usually in a bad mood when they get asked so I answer in a condesending tone that I don't want to talk about it.  I feel bad for doing that but people are getting on my nerves.  I have taken a liking to going to doctor's appointments because my doctor and nurse are so understanding and I get to be with Ian and we see our child.

Speaking of doctor’s appointments, I have one after lunch and the school knows that Ian and I are leaving to go to it.  I’m excited to go to this one because we could possibly find out the gender of the baby.  I wonder if Ian wants to know or not, we haven’t discussed that a whole lot.  Now it’s time for lunch, my favorite part of the school day.

“Hi guys!”

“Hey Mel!”

“Hello beautiful.”

“Oh Ian, you hopeless romantic.”

“Anyways! Will you guys be back at school after the appointment or no?”

“Probably not, I don’t plan on it anyways.”

“I wasn’t planning on coming back either so I’m going with a no on that one.”

“Okay then, we will be down three members then.”

“Anthony, is someone else leaving?”

“Well, no. You two are and you are expecting a child so that makes three.”

“I never really thought of it that way even though I am four months along already.”

“Well, you learn things every day.” 

"That is very true Matt. Well, if we want to get there on time we better head out Ian."

"Okay then, see you all tomorrow!"

"See you guys!"

 Well, I can’t wait to get to the appointment.  Not sure how Ian feels though, this is the first time he’s actually gone with me.  He seems ok but I’m not entirely sure if he is because last night he was murmuring about not being ready for something in his sleep but I never heard what because I fell asleep.  We’re on the way there and I’m gonna see how he feels about this once and for all.

“Ian, are you ready for this appointment?”

“Well, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Why are you asking me this?”

“Well I heard you talking in your sleep and you were saying something about not being ready yet. What was that about?”

“Well I was dreaming about this whole thing and it turned into a nightmare of sorts and I was pressured into leaving you for some reason. It was a terrible nightmare and it’ll never come true.”

“I hope not because that sounds terrible. Who pressured who to leave me in the dream?”

“The person was kind of a mix between your parents and mine and it was really freaky.”

“That sounds terrifying. Next left is where we want to be babe.”

“Oh yeah, I’m driving aren’t I? Next left and then we get to wait.”

“We probably won’t have to wait that long because of the time of day.”

“I guess so. I’m new to this so don’t get on my case.”

“You should’ve been going to all the appointments but your parents weren’t as accepting at the time.”

“That’s definitely true. They do still want to know if we’re keeping the baby.”

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