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(real life, imessage)

"there's pickles in this, i hate pickles," walker whined, taking the pickles out of his mcdonalds burger and placing them on the wrapper, giving them to angela.

"more for me," angela smiled, despite her reservation leah had taken shotgun and she had to sit in the backseat between aryan and walker.

"you didn't tell them no pickles," charlie sighed, the four of them had forced him to drive them to mcdonalds before their interview.

"well they should have known," walker responded, he purposely gets them with pickles because he always gives them to angela.

"why'd you order two happy meals?" leah looked back at aryan who was eating his food.

"why not?" aryan shrugged, his mouth full of the burger.

"don't talk with your mouth full dude." angela grimaced, she hated the sound of chewing and she hated when people talked with food in their mouth.

ignoring angela's plea, aryan continued munching on his burger, creating a cacophony of chewing sounds. angela cringed but decided to redirect the conversation. "so what are we doing saturday?"

"what are we doing saturday?" leah repeated, furrowing her brows, they hadn't even talked about hanging out. "oh why don't we go to a trampoline park."

"yes," aryan immediately responded.

"i'm down," charlie nodded. "dior would be down too."

"i can't," walker shrugged.

"what, why not?" angela frowned, what was the point in going to a trampoline park if the self proclaimed parkour king wasn't going.

"i'm gonna be with the secret headquarters cast, we haven't seen each other in a long time." walker answered.

"oh," angela mumbled, okay so angela would never tell anyone this (except dior and leah) but she didn't get the best vibes from abby, she would give the girl dirty looks all the time. angela had always felt a tension between them, even if walker didn't seem to notice. brushing aside her unease, she forced a smile. "that sounds like fun."

leah looked at the girl with a knowing look. "maybe next time."

"yeah," walker nodded. "send me some videos, especially if angela falls."

"hey!" she hit his shoulder.

"be nice," charlie warned, looking at the two from his rear view mirror.

"whatever i'm happy your not coming with us." angela scoffed.

"i'm not, i'll miss you walkie talkie," aryan made a kissy face.

walker laughed, blowing a playful kiss back at aryan. "i'll miss you too, bro."

"get married, why don't you?" angela scoffed, crossing her arms.

"you first." aryan smirked, he liked to think that he and leah were their number one shippers.

"sure," the girl shrugged, taking off one of the rings on her finger and extending it to leah. "leah, will you marry me?"

"yes, yes, a million times yes!" leah laughed as angela slipped the ring on her finger.

"i was talking about walker." aryan chuckled, leaning back in his seat. "i mean, you two are practically a couple already. might as well make it official."

angela felt her cheeks flush, and she glanced at walker, who was trying to hide a smile. "yeah right in his dreams."

"don't crush my dreams like that." walker placed a playful hand on his heart.

"i will crush you."

"don't you mean i have a crush on you walker, you're so sweet and awesome and cool and i just want to kiss you right now."

"i really don't."

tate fan — dior
liv fan— angela

tate fan
have you arrived safely
or should i murder charlie?

liv fan
he's still driving
btw were going to
the trampoline park saturday

tate fan
i'm down

liv fan
all of us are coming
except walker

tate fan
why not?

liv fan
he's hanging out with
the shq cast

tate fan
you're okay with that?

liv fan
i can't tell him
who he can and can't
hang out with

tate fan
bro istg abby's eyes are
gonna get stuck from rolling
them so much

liv fan
are we the only ones
noticing that she hates me?

tate fan
idk how no one else can tell
anyway what's happening
with dylan?

liv fan
he commented but still
hasn't dmed me
i'm not making the first move

tate fan
well he did make the first move
at the end of the day you always
have walker
read 1:37 pm

oh i see how it is
denial is a river in egypt
you and walker are in love!!!

author's note, guess who's backk!!!

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌, 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥.Where stories live. Discover now