Three - Dream

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Killer had never felt so bored before. It was chemistry class and he couldn't pay attention simply because he felt bored and didn't want to pay attention anyways. He sighed and crossed his arms; he turned around and looked at Dust who was behind him. "What time is it? I left my watch at home.", he whispered to the other.

Dust only look down to his own watch and whispered back, "It's time to shut up.", he joked and went back to taking notes. Killer groaned and used his right hand to hold his chin. He counted the minutes, the seconds.. And then finally, the bell rang. The students immediately got up and walked out of the classroom, ignoring the teacher telling them to be more respectful.

Killer stood up and stretched, sighing happily before glancing at Dust with a grin. "Let's
go?", he asked the other, who only groaned and hesitantly got up. Today was the day Dust was going to create the courage to go and speak to Blue, but he got more and more nervous each minute that he passed by Killer's side. Killer was all excited, talking about it to all of their friends like it was the best thing to happen in the world.

When they sat at the cafeteria table with the rest of the group, Blue and Dream approached the table quickly, with Dream immediately rushing towards his boyfriend once again. Killer elbowed Dust and glanced towards Blue. "Berry!", he called the one with light blue hair. Blue tilted his head a bit and got closer to them.

Dust was completely paralyzed, staring at the stars in Blueberry's eyes. "Oh, you're Dust right? We haven't talked before.", he says with a smile, leaning on the table with his hands. Dust nodded quickly, gulping; his face was already heating up and he didn't even feel it. Killer was holding his laugh as he stared at the scene.

However, when everyone was just chatting it out or something, Horror felt suffocated. He couldn't bear to see Dust acting like that near Blueberry; he felt so stupid. He stared down at the table and started nipping on the straw of his milkshake. He forced his eyes closed, trying to distract himself from everything.. But for his surprise, he suddenly felt a rush of positivity behind him, making him look up quickly.

Dream touched his shoulder, worry in his face as he tilted his head to look at Horror. The other turned around to look at him, seemingly nervous and unsure. Dream gave an apologetic smile, which surprisingly made Horror calm down in the slightest.

"What's wrong?", he asked calmly, making Horror stop feeling so suffocated. "I... Nothing- I'm just.. In a bad mood.", he answered, glancing at Dust sideways. Dream seemed to get the idea, nodding. It was quiet for some seconds before Dream looked at Cross and poked his back. His boyfriend turned around and hummed, but it didn't take long before he only grinned and nodded, turning back towards the table.

Dream extended his hand towards Horror, making the other surprised. "Come on.", Dream said with a smile; Horror couldn't possibly refuse to leave this place.


Killer was about to fall, faint, die, doesn't matter. His legs were fuckin' weak, he had no idea where Nightmare was leading him, he only knew that class would start soon.. and that he'd probably die soon too. Their fingers were once again intertwined as Nightmare held Killer's hand tightly, the two of them walking towards a dimly lit hallway.

"Nighty.. Where are we going?", he asked, feeling a bit hesitant. Nightmare only chuckled and caressed Killer's hand with his thumb. "Classroom.", he answered. .. "Classroom..? There's no classes on this floor, Nightmare.", he questioned the answer, curiously looking around.

Suddenly, Nightmare opened a door and pulled Killer inside the classroom. Shit, he'd die now. The room was dark and completely empty, it had only a few seats on the corners but nothing more. Killer gulped and was about to turn around and look at the other, but he was surprised when a pair of arms wrapped
around his waist. His breath hitched and he stopped breathing; "W- Nightmare?", he asked in a whisper, feeling the taller's hot breath on his neck.

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