SAO x MSNS: Chained Fate

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Plot: Y/N Wakura is a young man who live a pretty much a normal every day life as someone who is in his last year of high school and has chosen a college of his liking and is the top MMA boxing and Wrestling at his school the boy heads back home as he fires up his Nerve Gear and puts in the new game SAO in as it was the day of its release at first everything was going great until the game that was supposed to be fun quickly turned into a nightmare as all the player are trapped in the game not unless either player beats the game Y/N would meet a girl whose real name is Kyoka Uzen the two join a group to beat the first floor boss unfortunately everything started to fall apart until Kyoka came over to Y/N and told the boy about her special item Y/N agrees with Kyoka transforming Y/N into a powerful demonic mount it was after that Y/N and Kyoka would go on together to beat the game however unknown to them was this just the start because they and other would face against other troubles in the future

Name: Y/N Wakura
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese. Human.
Age: 18(At the start) 20(After SAO)
Vital status:

 Age: 18(At the start) 20(After SAO) Vital status: Appearance:

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Item: Eternal Chains

1. Sword art online x Mato Seihei No Slave
2. Harem
3. Male Reader
4. Original Characters
5. Fluff and smut
6. Gun Gale Online
7. Romance
8. Alicization
9. Love
10. Progressive scherzo of deep night
11. Blood and gore
12. Progressive- Aria of a starless night
13. Emotional
14. Ordinal scales
15. Hurt and comfort
16. Sadness and happiness
17. The eight gods of thunder

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