MSNS x Fate: Dragon of The Mato Defense Corps

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Plot: Y/N was born into the Kagetora clan he was born a Male but here's the thing yes he was born a man but Y/N was born with monstrous strength that shocked and terrified many his own father tried send him away hoping to never see the boy but unfortunately came back but with even more strength then before Y/N decided that wanted to learn about human emotions and just Y/N was doing so a large horde of Shuuki's came but the young man intercepted the demons and began his one man slaughter shocking and amazing many who saw one man was actually not only holding his own against the demonic creatures but was actually wining after the one sided battle Y/N was invited by Ren Yamashiro not wanting to be rude Y/N took the invitation and came to Mato and met the other chiefs there Ren lead Y/N towards Kyoka Uzen who is the chief of the seventh unit then telling about the boy about Kyoka's ability and well it's going to be one ride that Y/N is so on board with

Name: Y/N Kagetora
Hair color: Black and gray
Eye color: Gray
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese. Human. Megumareta(Via Kyoka Uzen)
Age: 25
Vital status: Alive

 Megumareta(Via Kyoka Uzen) Age: 25 Vital status: Alive Appearance:

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Shared Ability: Eternal Chains: Slave(Via Kyoka Uzen)

1. Mato Seihei No Slave x Fate
2. Nagao Kagetora
3. Harem
4. Male Reader
5. Romance
6. Blood and gore
7. Love
8. The eight gods of thunder
9. Discrimination
10. Emotions
11. Superpowers
12. Determination
13. Blood and gore
14. Society problems

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