|Je viens du ciel et les étoiles entre elles ne parlent que de toi|

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Mercurius settled into his throne because if he couldn't have Lea at his side, then he was going to need something to distract him. While the children at Camp Half Blood were hosting an impromptu game of Capture the Flag, Camp Iūpiter were preparing for their war games.

Truthfully all of that meant that Mercurius was in charge of the betting pool, and he was able to participate again since Lea wasn't there for him to bet all his money on.

On the Camp Half-Blood screen, Drew was playing referee with an actual outfit on while her siblings cheerfully threatened Ethan from where he was sitting on the sidelines with them.

On Camp Iūpiter 's screen, the children were enjoying their dinner. "This makes me happy," Percy was saying, drinking a blue-colored soda. He had a cheeseburger sitting at his side that Medea was eyeing as if she didn't have a plate filled to the brim with spaghetti and meatballs. "I don't know why...but it does."

"An inside joke with your Mom from what I can remember," Medea explained as an aurae topped off Percy's glass. "I'm so used to it so I can't remember how it started but you laid claim to the color blue and Lea has green."

The two of them were sitting with Magnus, Nico, and Līber's son, Dakota, at the back of the dining hall next to the kitchen. Mercurius could see Octavian and Lilith casting glances at the table like they were going to join. The boy because of his blessing and Lilith because she liked to scare new recruits with tarot readings. The god sighed. Lea would have loved it. Probably. With Medea and Percy at her sides, she would have but by herself? Not likely. Though the way that the laughter echoed off the walls and the war banners rustled from cedar ceiling beams as aurae blew back and forth, keeping everyone's plates full was something that she'd appreciate. Kids were constantly getting up and trading places on the couches around low tables, spreading rumors about who liked whom and all the other gossip.

Drew would love it. It was basically information central, and Mercurius knew that if Octavian wasn't so distracted by Percy's presence then he would be right in the middle of it.

"So." Dakota burped, waving his goblet. "Welcome to the Percy, party." He frowned. "Party, Percy. Whatever."

"Just like his Father," Cerēs tsked. Līber looked up from where he was slurping the margarita in his hand, blinking at the looks that he received.

"Um, thanks," Percy said, but his attention was focused on Nico and the couple. "I was wondering if we could talk, you know... about more of my memories."

"That's right," Dakota blinked. "You know him."

"We went to school together before," Medea stated quickly. "And Magnus goes to school with him now."

"I've seen him from time to time," Nico shrugged. "But you know... I also spend most of my time in the Underworld. So unless I met you there somehow—"

Dakota belched. "Ambassador from Pluto, they call him. Reyna's never sure what to do with this guy when he visits. You should have seen her face when he showed up with the letters right from his Father. Um, no offense."

"None taken." Nico smirked.

"Mind if we join," Octavian asked, appearing behind Percy with Lilith, Pranjal, and Daniele at his sides. They paid no mind to the looks that they were receiving from the other campers.

"Sure," Medea smiled, watching the way Octavian and Percy both flushed as he sat down. "Percy, you've met Octavian, but this is Lilith Nadia Star and that's Daniele Campbell and Pranjal Gupta."

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