Chapter 1

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You sat propped up by the wall hugging your knees. Nobody wanted to adopt you and the center kicked you out for your devil fruit powers you have finally mastered.

"Yo!" Said a man in a straw hat while suddenly plopping in front of you.

"Oh um hi" you responded in a sweet voice with a cute smile.

"You look uh- lost? Where are your parents?" Asked a pretty woman with bright orange hair who was standing with more people behind the straw hat guy.

"They uh- aren't here...anymore." you explained while looking at your prized possession, a bracelet your mom gave you before going out to fight those Marines. Your parents were pirates and we're leaving you here to stay but we're found by the Marines. 

"Well why don't you join my crew!" Suggested the straw hat guy.

"She's a child she can't join!" Shouted the orange haired girl while punching him in the head.

"Sure." You said bluntly.

"Wha-"all 9 heads turned to you."Really!?!!!?!?" Shouted an excited straw hat boy.

"Its not like I have anywhere to go." you said getting up showing off your favorite black shirt that revealed your shoulder with black stockings , black and white shoes , your red hair out, and a white bag.

"Well I am Luffy , this is Nami, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, And Brook."

"Nice to meet you! I am (Y/N) (L/N)." You told them.

"Do you have any powers? Skills? Talents? Devil fruits-"asked a curious Usopp but was cut off by Nami punching him.

"She's a child god dammit! Leave her alone!" Shouted Nami .

You chuckled at the sight and responded quietly while looking down at your shoes"I don't mind questions and I have a devil fruit."

Suddenly you felt the piercing gazes of all 9 of the crew.

"Really? Which one?" Asked Robin with a small smile.

"It's called the Sosa Sosa no mi or the manipulation manipulation fruit." You explained looking up at them "So I can manipulate people to do whatever I want as long as they are in my view and I can see them at least once."

"That is very powerful" Admitted Robin"But does it have any downsides?"

"Yes, it does take a toll on my mental health so I usually have anxiety attacks and headaches." You explained as worried looks painted some of faces of the crew and some looked at the others.

"You shouldn't use it that much then." Said Chopper as he walked up to you. You smiled at their kindness and simply nodded at them.


They took you to a ship called the thousand sunny, which you still couldn't believe had a fish tank, and took you to the girls room to get settled. Your bed was in the corner with a side table and a lamp. 

"(Y/n) help me!" Said Luffy while barging into the room hiding behind you holding a piece of meat in one hand. Sanji came in the room shortly after and saw Luffy behind you.

"Oh so we're going to stand behind little girls now when you steal meat!?" Shouted Sanji while chasing him out of the room.

"Oh shut up would ya!" Screamed Nami as she entered the room.

"So? You settling nicely?" She asked sweetly.

You just simply nodded. "Also do you want to join me and Robin in the bath?" She added which again you simply nodded.

"Kay! C'mon then!" She said while dragging you.


You had gotten to know Robin and Nami better who were very nice to you. The rest of the crew were also very kind to you except for Zoro who was always training so you hadn't had much time to bond. You would usually watch Sanji cook, listen to Brook play, help Usopp and Luffy play or steal meat, read with Robin, help Franky get tools, help Nami chart maps, or just watch Chopper make his medicine. But other than that you always had something for art and you were also very good at it. Right now you were painting the serene view of the ocean and the coming Island, wait, ISLAND?

"Hey, I see and Island!" You shouted catching everyone's attention.

"Hey good job even I didn't see that!"praised Nami to which you just blushed and giggled. 

"C'MON LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!"Screamed Luffy at the top of his lungs. Damn if you were to do that you would go mute. That is IF you could.

As you all were just about to dock you noticed a lot of bubbles coming off from the ground of the island or should you say archipelago. Yes you were at the infamous Saobaody Archipelago, the one known for being crowded with pirates, and Marines. The one where you had been sold off many times to people who treated you like dirt.Here you were going back.

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