Chapter 1 {Hunters}

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Pov: Third Person

"Ahahhaaha! Im ganna jump!" The boy said, standing at the edge of the wall of his house.

"Ahhh~ come on Alex, get down from there will ya?"
Another said lazily.

"Why should i? Its inly a 6ft drop anyway!" The boy laughed, before flipping off the wall.

"Ah!- Alex, be careful!" A girl shouted, running over to the other side of the way.

Alex laughed at them as the other boy quickly walked over too. "Come on, don't be such babies! Cyrus did it too!"

"Hahhhhh, Alex, you don't get it, you're not Cyrus! Unlike us, Cyrus is a hunter!" The girl whined

"Yeah, you know hunters are more physically capable than us!" The boy said in a matter of fact tone.

"Tsk, so what is hes a hunter?! Hes an e-rank! He's barely as strong as an adult!" Alex said angrily.

"But thats still something" the boy replied, looking at him.

"Still though..." the two boys looked at the girl.
"Its so..." she put her hand on her arm, looking down slightly.







"Why does he get to be a hunter when we don't?"





"We're all children here.. so why does he get special treatment?"







"Oi, Cyrus!" The three walked up to the boy.

Looking down at them from the tree branch he was sitting on in the outdoor recess area. he tilted his head, leaning back against the tree "Hm?" He had a leg propped up on the branch while the other was dangling.

Alex, standing in front of the boy and girl, pointed at the Cyrus. "You stole it didn't you?" He shouted accusingly. Some of the other children around the area stopped and looked over at the four.

"Hm? Stole what, Alex?" Cyrus shifted his sitting position, turning to look at the three fully.

"Don't lie Cyrus, you stole Leah's bag didnt you?" The other boy said, putting an arm around the girl, Leah.

Cryus merely glanced at leah, before looking at jack as he held a protective arm around her.

"What use would i have for Leah's bag?" Cyrus questioned them.

"Don't try to play innocent! You've been tormenting Leah haven't you?!"

A crowd slowly started to gather around then, as people started murmuring about what was going on. Cyrus glanced slightly at the crowd. Closing his eyes, he let out a small and quiet sigh.

Hopping off the branch and dusting himself off, causing the group to back up slightly. "Its true- he-he's been saying so many things to me!" Leah cried.

Cuddling up to Jack, as he whispered reassuring words to her. "You've been abusing the fact that you're a hunter to get Leah to do things haven't you?"

Alex smirked, putting a hand on his hips, pointing at Cyrus.

"What? No way... I thought Cyrus was a kind person"

The crowd murmured.

"I feel so bad for Leah!"

"Is that why Leah was acting so jumpy with Cyrus earlier?"

"Now that you mention it, Leah and Cyrus have been meeting up a lot recently"

The murmuring of the crowd grew louder and louder.

"Well Cyrus? Say something!" Alex crossed his arms.

Cyrus merely looked at them with hooded eyes. "Hm" walking towards Alex, he put a hand on his shoulder, whispering in his ear.

"Thats quite a story you three have made up. But you must remember.. actions have consequences"

Letting go of his shoulder, Cyrus walked past them, as the crowd stepped back. Giving him stares.

"Don't try and run away from this Cyrus!"
The faint yells of Alex could be heard from the distance as Cyrus walked away, and back inside the school building.

"My thats quite an inconsistent story" a voice said. The voice sounded like a man's voice. Roughly in his 20's.

"Not ganna try and fix it?" The voice asked
"You know I don't care about reputation"

Cyrus said, walking down the empty hallway "not in this school at least"

"So, what will you do now? Have you finally decided?" The voice inquired

"Yeah, i've decided. Im leaving this school."

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Chapter End
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Chapter 2 {A New S-Class}

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