2. Who and how?

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As I walk out of the school, Ian runs up to me, his white nike backpack on his left shoulder. He seemed happier, more real than usual. As much as I hate him, I can’t help but love the way his genuine smile shines through the usual “I’m popular” grin. He looked sweet for once, making me want to stare at his face longer. Though that desire had been intervened as he spoke up,

“So, are we gonna go?”

“Not yet, I’m waiting on my friend Joey” I responded back lightly, not wanting to spark a conversation with the brunette boy.

“Your friends with him?! He's a total weirdo!” Ian protests in response.

“Joey is my best friend, period. Don’t make fun of him.” I shoot a glare at him, I could tell he noticed my stern expression, his gaze softening a little. Just then Joey shot up behind us.

“Sooo, y'all dating?” Joey questions, a shit eating grin plastered on his face.

“No, he's just coming over to study with me..” I glare at Joey as well, instead of feeling disgusted, I could feel my heart race a little. I had never dated anyone, much less one of the popular boys. Joey’s gaze ascended to Ian’s, his smirk growing.

“That's what they always say.” He pesters.

“For god's sake, Joey. It’s not like that!” Ian cries out, beginning to walk away in a hope to end the embarrassing conversation. I do as well, but Joey just persists.

“Are you sure?” He says before speeding up to match my pace, “Cause I think you two are mad in love.”

I can feel my face warm, further proving the short blond’s statement.

“No, no, no, no!” I full on sprint away, just wanting to get home. I’m aware it would be hard to escape Joey’s wrath since he lived a few doors down and he had my number. Ian follows close behind until I run up my driveway. He stops, not completely sure he should follow. I notice his hesitation.

“Are you coming?” I turn around as I ask him, his gaze faltering to the ground.

“I- um.. Are you sure it's okay if I’m here with you?” He asks, his gaze still down.

“Yeah, of course it is.” I smile softly, trying to comfort him. He instantly rushes up to my side, a small smile on his face. I can’t help but smile a bit too as I take in his features. He was fit, tall and sort of stunning. His hazel eyes shining once again. His longer, buzzed hair sort of flowed in the wind, it was just long enough to move. Once again, my cheeks heated up. He looked over to me, I could tell he was admiring me as well. Once our gazes locked we both looked away, my eyes wandering to the bare trees and his straight forward. As we got to the end of the driveway a cold breeze hit the both of us, his freckled nose scrunching and his eyes squeezing shut. He looked almost beautiful.

As I opened the front door a deathly stench hit us. My eyes instantly begin to water.

“What the-” I mutter out, walking into the house.

“So.. Does your house always smell like this?” He mutters back, clearly on edge due to the smell.

“Yeah, sure.” I roll my eyes, walking further into the living room. Just then Ian screams, the loudest, girliest scream known to mankind. My body goes rigid for a moment before I rush to him, who was in the kitchen. My feet pattered onto the cold tile, and then followed by a thud as my knees hit the ground. My mom, her body laid on the ground. Pools of blood surrounded her. I couldn’t even process the scene. Her body is a bloody mess, eyes wide open and petrified. Her once beautiful body torn apart, organs slowly sliding from what looks to be a torso. Ian drug me out of the house. He was also terrified, evident by his quivering body and wide, tearful eyes.

I couldn’t even blink, my body frozen with shock. Ian pulled his phone from his pocket while also setting me down onto the porch. He dialed 911, his voice shaking. I buried my face into my hands, my body racked with sobs. Ian tried comforting me by rubbing my back, pulling me close to him. I could feel my body shake and tears stream into my hands. Eventually, a fleet of ambulances and cop cars came. A cop quickly ran up to us, taking us away to one of the ambulances. I sat there with Ian, we both shared a thick trauma blanket. Although I didn’t notice it, he wrapped his arms around me, one arm around my shoulder and the other around my waist. I felt a sense of comfort by his actions, making me lean onto his shoulder. I finally took into recognition what just had happened, my face scrunching up as I remember the horrifying scene.

My only question is, who killed my mother.

-848 words

How To: Kill☆Jeff the killer x Fem!reader☆Where stories live. Discover now