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Former Thief Name: Flora Rider

Real Name: Y/n Fitzherbert

Age: 18

Hair color: H/c

Eye color: E/c

Bio: Was once raised in Corona's orphanage til she left at a young age alongside a faithful and loyal friend at her side. For years she traveled across all the seven realms kingdoms gaining a reputation as a charming and sly thief, worked for some unsavory groups but never stayed in one place for long at least til she met a certain person. She has a weak spot for children in need.

Personality: Kind, Feisty, Smart, and Brave

Skills: Multilingle (can speak and understand different languages), former thief skills, great stamina from years of on the run.

Loves: Horseback riding, singing, a good book in front of a fireplace, cooking, adventuring for new discoveries, sunflowers, walking along the shoreline underneath the moonlight

Dislikes: People not letting the past go, Being told what to do by naysayers, burnt food, and being taken advantage of.

Her looks:⬇️

Her singing voice:⬇️

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Her singing voice:⬇️

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