Chapter 1

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This isn't happily ever after. It's so much more than that.

I stand with hundreds of eyes staring upon me as the crown is placed on top of my head. I feel the nervousness and pressure of beginning a new chapter of my life. For a quick moment I look to the corner of my eye as I see Maxon, my husband, which is going to be hard to get used to. But not as bad as being called by "Your Majesty" for the rest of my life.

When the crown is sturdy I smile and look to my mom. It's weird to think that I am in this situation because of her. Everyone stands and claps as I am announced as the new queen of Illéa.

Who knew someone could smile this strongly.

Maxon takes my arm and we start to walk back down the aisle. He whispers into my ear, "Hello my Queen of Illéa." At that I turn to the crowd and position myself forward again as an immense smile appears across my face.

We exit through the doors and once the guards close them with a thud, Maxon grabs me by the hips and pulls me into a kiss. I giggle and look at him. "Well that was nice"

"Just wait until tonight, my dear." He responds and I immediately start blushing thinking back to Marlee's comment earlier. He obviously notices this and says, "No, no, no! I-I meant the reception." We both start laughing as he picks me up bridal style and I scream with excitement as he runs down the hall.


I look around the Princess Suite, well now I guess it's the Queen Suite and I take a deep breath. I see the door to Maxon's room and flashback to during the Selection when I first saw these rooms. Mary comes up to me and removes the cape-like coat and we get ready for the reception.

I walk outside my room and meet with Maxon. He loops his arm through mine and we walk triumphantly down the stairs to the Ballroom.


Gavril announces our arrival. We walk in with millions of eyes and heads beaming on us including the glows of cameras sparkling has they catch our picture as we pass by. "That was intimidating," mumbles Maxon. The flashes must have caught us both off guard.

"Don't worry about it, just pretend they aren't there." I say this as Maxon takes my hand and we start to dance to the orchestra. "Wow, there are a lot of eyes. I even think it's going live right now." I explain to Maxon.

"Then I'll be happy to do this..." he pulls me into a kiss once again as we stop from dancing and everyone cheers and claps. As we break our kiss I start to laugh at how wonderful he is.

We start to walk to our seats and May is sitting there with full amazement. "Gosh May eat another palace pastry?" I say and she laughs.

"You do look beautiful America, your dad would be so proud." My mother says with tears down her cheeks.

"Mom please stop crying or I'm going to start to." I say holding her hand.
Now we are sitting down enjoying our meal and Maxon stands and taps his glass. "Could I have everyone's attention please," everyone turns their head, "I just want to toast to this amazing woman sitting next to me which I can gladly call my wife, maybe even dear, if she's having a good day." Everyone laughs.

"Don't even try!" I warn.

"To continue, we may have had a couple rocky patches along the way, but that's what I love about her. She is not scared to voice her opinion. She is strong without trying to be and that makes a good queen. She has truly changed my life by giving first experiences, like maybe the first time I have ever gotten kicked in the family's jewels, or maybe the first time I've ever kissed a girl, and maybe the first time I've ever fallen in love. She has changed me and I don't think I could ever repay her, I will try though, might be tough. To my love, Queen America Schreave of Illéa, tugging my ear whenever."

Everyone starts clapping loudly while I am sitting here crying at how beautiful he is to me.

He sits back down and I pull him in for a kiss and I whisper into his ear, "That was beautiful Maxon, is it possible for someone to love you more than they already do?"
People are scattered around the dance floor and Maxon and I watch them enjoy themselves. I see May and it seems like she isn't having a great time. I whisper to Maxon, "Go ask her to dance and I bet you she would be ecstatic."

"Okay fine, if you're right I get to carry you out of here bridal style, if I'm right I still get to carry you bridal style, deal?"

We shake hands, "Deal."

He walks over to May and extends his hand. She quickly takes it and pulls him out to the dance floor. I start laughing, I guess I won.

I see Aspen across the room next to Lucy and I walk toward them. "Excuse me, Aspen would you care to dance with me?"

"Why of course, but I'm not sure about my leg." He responds.

"It's okay you can hold onto me the whole time."

"Well alright, let's dance!" We walk to the floor and start swaying to the melody of the music. It is a pleasure to dance with him, my family.
When all the food is eaten and everyone has danced their heart away I tell Maxon, "I guess I won the bet."

He smiles, "You know what I have to do now dear..."

He lifts me up and I gasp and whisper, "Do not call me dear. I'll call you 'Your Royal Husbandness' if you do not call me dear." He smiles and kisses me while he walks out of the door.
We reach his room and I look at his wall of pictures while he gets ready for the night. There is a new one, one of Maxon and I at the alter. "Who took this?" I ask.

"It's a secret."

"Are you sure? Because then I might have to go to my room and go straight to bed..."

"No! Please no, it was May I gave her one of my cameras. Will you stay?" He pleads.

I go and kiss him, "Does that answer your question?"

"Oh yes!" He then pushes me onto the bed and tries to find the zipper to the dress. "Where is the stupid zipper?" He says. I'm giggling the whole time as I guide his hand to the zipper. "Why is this dress so heavy, it's like a thousand pounds!"

"Now you know how I feel!" I laugh as I begin to kiss him again.

Let me just say this, that was of the best nights I've ever had with Maxon.

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