Chapter 4

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Today is the coronation parade for me becoming queen. There's going to be a float and everything.

I dress in my royal attire after breakfast. I look into the mirror, breathe in, place the crown on my head, breathe out.

Today is no day to be nervous.


I am greeted at my door with Maxon and he gives me a quick kiss and loops his arm around me.

"Are you nervous? He asks.

"Not really, I just hope the country is glad that I'm queen. I would hate if I brought disturbance among the people." I respond.

He starts laughing, "Do you know how queenly that just sounded? And if they don't like you as Queen well too bad because I think you're one of the best Queens in the history of Illéa. Next to my mother of course."

"Thank you Maxon," I look to him, "that was very sweet."

We walk down to the palace entrance where we then exit with guards surrounding us.

The float is amazing, I wonder who got to design it. We walk up the stairs to the highest point on the float.

"This view is incredible." I say to Maxon.

"Not as good as the view right next to me."

I hit his chest and start blushing, "Maxon stop!"

The music starts and the float jolts forward to start. I almost fall and Maxon just laughs.


I see signs people are holding up saying that I'm a great queen or that I'm beautiful or one that said "Maxerica", what is that? Is it like our names combined together or something?

I smile and wave while the photographer takes pictures of it all.


I've seen a lot of the people in the crowd, they seem excited that I'm the new Queen of Illéa.

Then I hear this one man yelling.

"Queen America the slut! You whore! We heard what you did on the Report after the wedding! You're too fucking young to be Queen you slut!"

My smile instantly leaves and I turn to Maxon. His face shows his aggression.

"Stop the float." I say. The float stops and I walk down to the man who called me those names.

"What's your name?" I ask. He seems to be in his 50's or 60's and has a bald spot and his head.

His face goes white, a little nervous then when I noticed him, "I don't talk to whores."

I am impaled by his words. "Well okay then, you are obviously not aware of the consequences that could occur if you do not apologize."

"Why should I apologize?" He yells.

"Calm down now or I swear there will be consequences in your future." I warn with a menacing stare. "Or you could just deal with my husband over there," and I point and look over to Maxon who has smoke coming out of his ears.

Then he gives up and says, "My apologies Your Majesty." And bows.

I smile and walk back onto the float and everyone is stunned. Then some starts to clap and then everyone starts to clap, I laugh.

"Good job my dear, I was about to go over there and punch him in the face if he didn't apologize."

I look over to Maxon, "You couldn't hurt a fly if you tried to." We both laugh.


I'm in the Women's Room with Nicoletta and Marlee.

"That guy was so rude!" Marlee says.

"I know right who says that to a queen? No one!" Nicoletta responds.

"Maxon even threatened to punch the guy! The thing is that I think he can't hurt a fly." I laugh and then they join in laughing.

"You are so happy with Maxon. I'm glad you two are together. And without the Selection, neither of our relationships would have happened." Marlee tells me.

"Not to mention that we wouldn't have become friends!" I go and hug her. "So Marlee, how's Carter and Kile?" I ask.

"Wait who are they? I'm confused." Nicoletta asks.

"Carter is my husband and Kile is my one year old." Marlee smiles.

"Oh I understand!" Nicoletta says. We laugh.


Dinner went as planned, we talked about politics. Then we talk about personal life.

"So how's Italy?" Maxon asks Nicoletta.

"Beautiful, I wish you all can visit soon. You are always welcome to come." She smiles.

"Thank you Nicoletta, I definitely hope that we are able to visit soon."


We are getting ready for bed and Maxon is changing his shirt. I just sit on the bed.

He walks over and asks, "What's the matter?"

I turn to him with red eyes and a few tears, "Am I really a slut or a whore?"

He moves closer, "Is that even a question America? You are definitely not a slut or a whore, that guy obviously doesn't know great women when he sees them," he smiles, "you could never be that, I love you too much to be that."

"Thank you Maxon." I kiss him. "Now let's go to bed, but first after we come back from the two week trip I think I should throw a party for your birthday. I mean you can't say no because I'm throwing it anyway so you know..."

"Fine, fine, I'll only have a party if we get a bouncy castle oh or a cotton candy machine. Please." He pleads.

"No Maxon! We are royal we do not affiliate ourselves with such childish things." I say in a proper demanding voice. He stares weirdly at me and I start laughing hysterically. "Good night!" I say still laughing.

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