Running From Love

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I woke up feeling ecstatic and my wolf is prancing about in my head strangely maybe it's the fact that am quiting from that miserable law firm, but it's gonna be a huge blow for my boss am like his backbone. I just hate the activities that they carry out there it's not like me to work or be around this sort of life but I've got to associate myself with this sort of people so my dad can't find me. What I have to do to be away from being loved.
   I'm 5'9 inches in height I have strawberry blonde hair, and am curvy. Alright time to get ready I stay in Cuba currently but I'll be moving to Seattle next week, the reason am staying in Cuba this long is because of that firm, i'm indebted to my boss so I have to help  him nail a contract with a big company, honestly I wouldn't advice the company to partner with them but as I said INDEBTED to that piece of shit. hmph .
I walk into my bathroom and take a shower no time for a bath, I walk out and move to my wardrobe, today am going to dress exquisitely not like I usually dress, so I pulled out a body fitting short sleeved turquoise dress that stopped below my knees and had a slit up to my thigh I put on a see through black crop jacket and platform heels, I put on light makeup and today for the first time since I started working at the firm I let my hair down, today am gonna leave an impression I say as I put on simple jewelry.✨
  I head out and take my usual blood drink and an apple, I lock the house and walk up to my gold colored Tesla hop in and zoom off to work. As I get to work and pack my car I get out of the car and walk to the front desk, Samantha looks baffled and her mouth is hanging open, not to mention the stares am getting. Satisfaction. I walk into the elevator with my poker face but I feel like laughing because of the stares am getting in the elevator, as I get to my floor I step out of the elevator and walk past my desk and to the CEOs office
"Good morning Mr. Williams" I greet with a smile
"Good morn......"Steven pauses upon looking up"Stephanie I must say your looking rather unlike yourself today more sexy, more my type of girl"he says creepily
"Thank you Mr. Williams I'll take that as a compliment but I have something to discuss with you about"
"Which is?"he said still looking at me in a creepy way
"Am here to tender my resignation letter, as I'll be moving cities, I know it's short notice but I decided to tell you this myself instead of sending it through the mail" I explained
"So let me get this straight, you come in here looking like this and your telling me your quitting your job are you crazy, we had a deal" Steven said with a pissed off expression
" I know about the deal that's why am quitting today, I'll be by your side through out the meeting so that the president of The Noble group won't eat you alive but after the meeting and today you gotta find your self a new P.A besides you still have your secretary Kimberly, right ?"II reasoned
"Fine just leave"He said and I walked out of his office.
  The Noble association is a big string of companies it's known nationwide but it's origins are very mysterious and the president even more mysterious but I don't care I just need to execute my plan perfectly, get Steven the contract and walk away silently.
     Xavier's POV
     Today I woke up way too early and Lucian (my wolf) is so uneasy today and now I have to go to that law firm to sign that stupid contract am just doing it because my dad made me but honestly the firm is lacking in many categories.
I get dressed head to the office,met up with my P.A and beta Victor.
"Good morning Xavier, how was your night, peaceful I hope." He greeted
"Morning, Victor,yes it was peaceful, not, when is the flight to the Cuban airport?" I asked
"So serious in the morning you need to loosen up abit, Xav,"he queried "the flight is in an hour so we better start moving so as not to annoy our soon-to-be partner" he said with a frown, the dislike for Steven Williams is so mutual
"Okay, let's go" I said and walked out of the office, we use the private elevator and head to the parking lot to get the car, the driver had already gotten the car and was waiting for us, BETTER.
      At the airport
      "Mr.Noble how is your cooperation with the W&C firm going to affect your company" a journalist asked
     "Are you doing it for personal reasons because rumors have it that their lawyers are very unjust"Another journalist asked
   "Mr.Noble is there anything between you and Miss.Carl"
   God, I hate journalists
I manage to escape the journalists and get on my jet, how I wish I could just wolf out on all of them am gonna need a run later today and Sophie is such a pain in the ass nothing can happen between us am waiting for my mate and see knows that why complicate my life with her silly scandals
               Two Hours Later
  Am at meeting at the Law firm and am waiting for the CEO to get here but apparently he has better things to do.
  Suddenly my wolf starts getting more uneasy, pacing up and down
"What's going on, Lucian?" I ask but am met with more tension i feel something coming it's making me anxious but not dangerous, Strange.
   And suddenly the door is opened by a beautiful woman, in all my life I've never seen a woman as beautiful as she is she was looking directly into my eyes with a bewildered expression
           And then I hear the word I've always wanted to hear since I was 16



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