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I was looking for something, yearning for something trying my utmost best to fill a void i had convinced myself was there

A void i had created unknowingly and had made deeper and deeper and larger and larger with my mind, with my actions and some way some how with my heart 

What was I looking for? I don't know.. maybe it was love, maybe it was hope, maybe it was freedom but because i had closed myself to it i didn't realize it was there.. or at least i think i didn't realize it was there and if i did then i ignored it immensely 

This is my story

A story about how I met Jesus 

Who he made me to be

How I left Jesus

And how He still came to me

How I fled and fled

and how for some reason he still cared and cared 

This is a story about hope, about love about dreams about about Him and about me 

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