✭ 1. The flashback.

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Heather's POV

It's actually been a while since I have seen the total drama cast except Sierra and Cody, we three hangout a lot after everything happened.

Sierra is over Cody, but still keeping up with the total drama fan website but it's mostly updating mine and Cody's constantly since she knows more about us, and Cody actually changed a lot if you remember how he looked like a child compared to everyone. I am joking!

Maybe not.

But anyways,I have heard a lot of things about the cast in social media like Courtney turning into a lawyer, Duncan working as a tattoo artist and Alejandro..

I never saw him after All stars. I broke up with him after an huge argument we had, but I'm not gonna lie but I miss his.. presence. We were so high up for the million dollars that we got into a huge fight about it..


"Why didn't you let me win! I had a chance, WE had a chance!" I yelled, pointing at him in anger.

"I was gonna win for us, plus I can't forget the fact you pushed me off a volcano and burned me into a crisp!" Alejandro yelled back.

"You deserved it anyways! Probably you were lying about that stupid confession in the top of the volcano." I spat, crossing my arms.

"I never lied to you Heather! Why are you so stubborn!?" Alejandro snapped. "Everything I do for you isn't enough!"

"This fight wouldn't never happen if you never held me back of winning that million!" I said, glaring at him angrily.

I wasn't thinking straight as I said that but something he said next broke my heart.

"Or this wouldn't happen if I never loved you."

"What?." I mumbled quietly.

"You heard me, if we never loved each other, like you probably don't, this wouldn't have happen and maybe if I never met you would be even better." Alejandro replied, his eyes filled in rage and sadness.

"Maybe.. we should break up then." I said, looking at the floor.

"Yeah, we should." He nodded.

End of flashback.

That fight was a stab in my heart, I kinda wished I never argued about that with him but I guess we will never see each other again because I bet he is engaged to someone.

I think.

Alejandro POV

I got a message today from Courtney, she is going to sue Chris from everything he did and she needs me since I got stuck into a robot suit for a year without medical treatment and specialists.

My grandpa is a famous lawyer and has been working with me about it so I could ask him for all the evidences and give to Courtney.

It weird someone from the total drama cast message me after All stars.. I mean I got a lot of messages from others but.. except.


We never talked ever again after a stupid argument because of million dollars! But I actually didn't do great to stop that argument but snap into fighting back leading to a breakup. I actually wished I never said that but I can't do much because I am engaged to someone my parents told me to.

Her name is Beatrix, she has long blonde hair, blue eyes and wears too much makeup. She isn't great since all she knows to do is shopping, blabbering, tell everyone that she is dating me and kiss me HORRIBLY.

But the court date is in a week and I am actually hoping to re-meet Heather soon.

I actually miss her a lot.

Back to Heather POV!

I got a message earlier from Courtney to appear in court in a week, she is finally gonna sue Chris for everything we went true but not only me but every cast!

From Original cast to the latest cast, Pahkitew Island. But mostly this is going to be mainly for us, the originals.

But finally, I will get my revenge and maybe my million dollars back.

Revenge is sweet isn't it?

703 words total!

A/N this is just like more of an introduction, next chapter more characters will appear and in this time line Reboot hasn't happened yet.

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