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Proverbs 3:16 says, "She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare to her."

Sometimes the music is too loud. Whether it's rock music, or worship, gospel, indie, or oldies. It's always playing in people's ears. In their air pods. Their record players. Their radios. Or just blaring from their laptops at 3am in their college dorm room. It never stops.

Maybe that's why people don't pay attention anymore. They are so trapped by their own vanities and their own heads to open their eyes to see what's in front of them.

That's why the wallflower is good at staying against the eggshell-colored walls all hours of the night. Most people are so blinded by what's in front of them that they can't see a few feet ahead of their own red cups.

Maybe it's a good thing, though. Because she didn't want to be seen. She wanted to be heard.

She didn't want to be eye candy like everyone else. Be someone that people saw and forgot about. Be someone who only made it a few feet in their lives. She wanted to live. She wanted to serve. She wanted to make it somewhere. Even if that meant that she had to do it in silence.

Or in the drowning of her own music.

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