Robert Maroni POV

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Robert Maroni POV

Robert maroni had witnesses enough tragedies and heartbreak in his forty nine years of life but nothing could have prepared him to handle the news of his teenage daughter barely a child being pregnant.

The silence in the room stretched for what like eternity but was merely few minutes. Leonardo and Cyrus were watching their father intently, looking for signs for if he was going to blast.

" Is she okay ?" Robert broke the silence.

The brothers relaxed their posture knowing Robert was not enraged ....yet

" She is okay. The doctors ran some tests and uh..hmm... an ultrasound too" Leonardo spoke hesitating while telling his father about ultrasound. He wasn't sure what was going on his father's mind . He didn't wanted push his buttons all at once.

Robert nodded seemingly relieved knowing about estella's wellbeing. There was one thing he learnt in his life and thar was to put his family above everything.

No matter what his family's wellbeing outweighed everything in every scenario.

" How did she handle the news ?" Robert couldn't imagine how his little girl would've felt learning this life altering news. He felt awful for not being there with her .

His anger towards Leonardo grew once more and he glared at his eldest son that would have scared away many grown adults but leaonardo was immune to them.

" Well she knew about it already " Leonardo answered curtly still debating over how he'll break the news.

" Did you find her boyfriend?" Robert wanted the boy who dared not only to touch his daughter but also made her pregnant.

But whatever it would be he'll need to swallow his ego and anger. Kids do reckless things and it only gets multiplied and their consequences intensified when those said kids reach teenage years.

His sons had their own share of trouble. Robert will need to be supporting parent.


And here it goes ....Roberts question stiffened both Leonardo and Cyrus.

Leonardo took a deep breathe to stable his raging emotions first. It has been few hours , enough time for him to process that something so horrible happened to his sister and he wasn't there to protect her.

He is well aware that avoiding the topic won't be beneficial to anyone and especially for estella.

" She was violated.... it was against her consent " Leonardo finally spoke those dreadful words. He fe felt his throat clogging with pent up emotions. He still couldn't settle whether he wanted to cry or burn the world for daring to lay a finger on his sister.

Robert froze.

No no no.... he chanted in his mind.
He must've heard it wrong
It was not possible
Not his little girl

He looked up at his eldest son and the anguished expression on his mirrored his own and he knew at that moment that a tragedy he wouldn't wish on his biggest enemy has fallen upon their own family.

" Do...yo. r..rr.-" Robert stammered out. His pain evident in his voice.

" Yes...she was raped " Leonardo replied the dreadful question.

Robert Maroni a man who had gone through many tragedies.

A man feared by many broke down into tears.

Robert just covered his face with his palms resting his elbows on his thighs and he cried...

For his little girl
For being a failure of a father to his daughter
For not being able to protect her

She was his princess. The one supposed to be showered with endless love and care from her family.
But just because he was incompetent to identify his enemies, not only did he lose his love forever but his daughter also had to through so much

Leonardo and Cyrus just looked at their father crying. The strong Businessman who had always been their anchor all along breaking down. The brothers felt the same emotions as their father if not more .

So they let their emotions be free.
For after today, they'll be what they are know to be heartless and merciless
But today they were just father and brothers of a little girl who couldn't protect from evil of this world.
They were just like any other family who'll grieve over every bad that happened to them and not being to anything.

Feeling helpless
Yet Determined to make everything better.
Because that's what family is for
No matter what
They break and Mend together
As one

Because that's what family is for No matter what They break and Mend together As one

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Because edtella has 15k reads 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟love you and thank you so much 🤗

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Because edtella has 15k reads 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟love you and thank you so much 🤗

I know it's a short chapter. But I couldn't write anything extra for this part.
You know there is this set analogy in my mind for how everything will happen and sometimes some parts are little too short or long.

So please bare with me.

Take care and love you all

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