~Chapter 18~

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Don's (POV)

I walked up to the bathroom door, nerves racking my body.

I froze as I heard a grunt come from behind the door followed by two words.

"Bloody hell." The words sliced through the air taking me by surprise, concern washed over me as I registered the distinct British accent. My mind flashed back to the last time Alex's accent had slipped through.

My thoughts freeze where they are when I hear the sound of throwing up, another wave of worry floods over me and I finally knock on the door, "Alex, are you alright?" I reached out and jingled the door handle. "Open the door."

My hands shook as I tried the door again. I heard the toilet flush and someone moving around inside the small room. Then the sound of running water shot through the door.

A parental instinct woke up inside me, "Alex, you've got 10 seconds before I unlock this door myself." my voice was harsher than I intended it to.

My heart tightened as Alex's disheveled voice reached my ears, "J-Just a minute." The water turned off, more shuffling, and then a moment of silence. Alex released a loud sigh.

The door handle twisted and slowly swung open, I locked my eyes onto Alex's hunched form, examining him from head to toe. I paused briefly looking at his left arm planted behind his back awkwardly.

"You good?" The moment the words left my mouth I cursed silently, dreadfully aware of how weird I sounded.

I glanced behind Alex and scanned the small tiled room behind him, searching for a sign as to what had happened. Not finding anything I looked back to Alex who's eyes were now planted to the floor, his hands clasped together.

His eyes flicked up to me, "Yes." He said, sounding sure of himself. I might have believed his words if I couldn't see the clear look of guilt on his face.

Alex's forehead glistened with sweat and I sighed, too tired to argue with someone so stubborn. "Alright." I took a step back and Alex visibly relaxed. He was definitely hiding something.

He pushed passed me eager to retreat back into his room, a frown tugged at my lips as Alex's door swung shut.

I leaned towards the bathroom, my eyes swiping over the clean white tiles once more.

I sighed again and walked back to my room, slipping through the door quietly and then sliding back under the covers next to Lucy's still body.

"What was wrong?" I jumped at Lucy's voice, surprised that she was awake.

She rolled over to face me and I groaned, "I don't know Lucy, I'm just not sure what to do with him anymore. He had just opened up to us and everything was going great and then–!" I was cut off by Lucy's own voice, "We stick with him. No matter what. That is the only thing we can do." she reached a hand out, grabbing one of my own and drawing it close to her heart. "We can never give up on him. Even if every psychologist in the world says there is no hope for him, even if Tulip gives up on him.... Even if he gives up on himself." Lucy locked eyes with me, squeezing my hand to secure her point.

I wanted to pull away, to tell her that I wasn't sure he could be saved, but I refrained. Instead I leaned in closer, pulling Lucy into a tight embrace. "Lucy, he's part of our family, family sticks together."

Lucy melted into my embrace, weariness over taking her, "We need to help him, i'm not sure how, but we need to help him crawl back out of the deep dark hole he has dug himself before it is too late."


Alex's (POV)

Sweat dripped down my body as a sharp pain erupted on my thigh, I squeezed my eyes shut, praying it would all go away, that maybe it was all just a dream and I'd wake up any moment.

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