~Chapter 20~

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Alex's (POV):

When we walked inside the house I silently slipped up the staircase, heading towards my room.

I reached my door and was about to enter when I stopped, "You're not alone, Alex. The Browns care about you..."

I lowered my hand from the knob and turned around, clenching my fists to keep my hands from shaking.

One step after another I walked back down the stairs, Don was reading a newspaper on the coach and Lucy was shuffling around in the kitchen making something sweet.

I stepped off the final stair and Don looked up. A smile blossomed on his face and I couldn't help but smile back.

He patted the cushion next to him. I nodded slightly, accepting his offer.

I slowly walked over and planted myself on the opposite side of the couch, bringing my legs up under me.

Don turned to me, a smile still stuck on his face, "So Alex, this may seem like a trange question but, what do you want to be when you are older? I've never seen you take any interest in any particular subject in school."

I stared at my arms, as a small smile tugged at my lips, "I always wanted to be a train driver..."

Don cocked his head, "Okay, that's definitely unique." He paused for a moment, "Why."

I considered the question, digging through my memories trying to find an answer. "I'm not sure." I finally responded.

Don't mouth twitched and he was about to respond when I heard Lucy call, "Don, dinner is ready! Could you go get Alex?"

He turned around and called back, "Alex is already down here, we were just talking!" he stopped and then continued, "We'll be right there!"

He spun around and shot me a grin before standing up, he offered me a hand and I took it, allowing him to pull me up. Together we walked to the dining room.

Lucy was shuffling around the table setting down three plates. I took my normal seat and when I looked up Lucy and Don were both beaming, their eyes connected.

I blinked as a strange thought filled my head. Were they smiling because of me?

With that my own smile sprung onto my lips.

I would try.

For them, I would try to get better.

I observed the table, steamed broccoli and cheese, some sort of fish, tilapia maybe? And a fresh loaf of sourdough bread.

I frowned, when did Lucy start making sourdough?

"Alex?" My gaze shot from the bread and I threw the frown off my face. "Do you want broccoli?"

I nodded forcing my lips into a small smile, "with some of the cheese to please." My stomach roiled at the thought, but the delighted smile on Lucy's face was enough to make it shut up.

She gave me a few pieces of broccoli and then drizzled some of the sauce over it.

After she was finished, Don helped himself to a much larger serving of broccoli while I timidly reached out and used the prongs to pick up the smallest fish in the tray, placing it on my plate.

I set the prongs back down and clenched my fist under the table.

I will finish this.

Just like in The Underground.

I flinched at the memory, but forced it to stay in my mind.

Every. Bite.

I picked up my fork and speared one of the pieces of broccoli, raising it to my lips. I bit into it and chewed, forcing myself to swallow.

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