Quick explanation:

So basically after Tsumugi was found as the mastermind and executed, everybody came back to life. They remembered everything from the killing gamne still, and most of them had either ptsd, soreness/pain, or both.

Now to explain the headcannons/characters (NOT ALL CHARACTERS WILL BE IN THIS FANFIC)

He still has nightmares about Kaede dying. He also now hates the sight of ropes.

She finds Kokichi annoying, but is still nice to him. After she died, she started to notice everything that others didnt. Such as Kokichi being scared, Maki having a crush, etc.

Shes warming up to Kokichi, making sure that hes okay. (Can u tell my obvious bias?) She also hates the thought of death now.

He still hates Kokichi, and he doesnt regret killing him. He has a bad cough from time-to-time.

She feels horrible for putting these people through the killing games. Her love language is hugs and gifts. She also hates Danganronpa after living in it.

She still makes dirty jokes, and her throat hurts when she speaks too much. Shes over-protective of Kokichi, Gonta, and Angie.

Loves Atua. Her and Kokichi spent Sunday mornings praying to Atua and blessibg people with his presence. They both convinced Miu and Gonta to join them sometimes. Fear of bugs. She hates the sight of blood.

She hates magic now. She also wishes she couldve died alongside Tenko and Angie.

Hates all males besides Gonta and Kokichi. She hates blood.

(Theres gonna be a lot bc hes my fav) His body randomly freezes in a flight or fight response typoe oif way because of Kaito always yelling. He hates yelling. Sometimes his voice stops working after being crushed. He blames himself for everyone dying.

How people reacted to each others deaths:

Didnt die

Shuichi was depressed
Maki blamed Kaede
Kaito couldnt care less
Tsumugi was sad but despair drived
Miu was sad
Angie didnt know her that well
Himiko was ^
Tenko was ^^
Kokichi blamed himself

didnt die

Shuichi was mad
Maki was furious
Tsumugi was regretting her actions

Shuichi felt bad
Maki ^
Himiko ^^

Shuichi was disapointed
Maki was confused
Kaito didnt care
Himko was still upset about Angie and Tenko
Kokichi sobbed for hours while also lying to others

Shuichi didnt know her that well
Maki was sad
Kaito again, couldnt care less
Himiko sobbed
Kokichi sobbed alongside Himiko

Didnt die

Shuichi didnt know her that well
Maki thought she was funny, so she was sad
Kaito thought nothing of it
Himiko sobbed
Kokichi ^


450 Words for this author note!!

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