Chapter two: the truth comes out

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"How did you die?" Oh god. No no. Why did you have to ask THAT. Your slow, tired, sleep deprived, and utterly ignorant brain scrambles to come up with soemthing to not make you look like a desperate YouTuber- worshipper. "I uh- od'd on hard drugs." You say as you bring your hands up under your sweaty arm pits. Vox immediately bursts out into gut wrenching laughter. He has to stop in the middle of the hall, giving you a chance to catch up to him. He's doubling over as... tears fall from his... screen, face thingy. (?). "Oh. Oh god you.. you expect me to believe, a PUSSY like you... did 'hard drugs?'" He erupts into straining laughter again, his hands now depending on his knees to support his body. You just stand to the side with an awkward look, not sure what to do. "What in Lucifer's damned name is all this obnoxious childish behavior?" A loud, British accent called out from up ahead. You look to see a girl probably around the same age as you two with large, puffy, hot pink and white hair, put into a high, curly ponytail and she's sporting a white dress with black hearts around the bottom, as well as a fluffy, oversized crimson shawl. "I can't even have a damn break without one of you bitches whining and crying or pissing about something- oh hello." Her voice immediately lowered as she approached and stood in front of you. "This your latest boy toy?" The lady asked, leaning over smirking to whisper to Vox. This only caused Vox's laughter to halt as he looked at her with wide eyes, before laughing even harder. "Goddamn you're impossible" the unknown lady said as she turned her nose up, striding away. After another few long minutes, Vox finally composed himself and stood up straight. "That's Velvette. She's one of my colleagues. She lives up on the second floor." He explained as he began walking again, seemingly over his little laughing fit. "So tell me, again, how did you die?" He asked in a voice that let you know he didn't buy your 'hard drugs' crap, if the laughter didn't suffice. You gulp and close your eyes. "I uh... well I broke into someone's home and...." He stayed quiet. "Uh, it was a... celebrity..." "oh! So you're one of those types huh?" He asked with a chuckle. How dare he. "Oh, nonono! Not.. the kind you're thinking about I... it was a famous YouTuber..." "Oh?" Damn he wouldn't give up. "......Ricky Berwick."

"I'm sorry, who?" You get a look on your face. Sadness, worry, guilt. He doesn't know who your god is, you're gonna have to explain everything, relive every moment... he seems to pick up on your discomfort. "Uh... you ain't gotta tell me. Probably won't be as interesting as I pictured, and it sure won't measure up to hard drugs." He says with a slight laugh, trying to lighten the mood. No. He deserves to know. He was gracious enough to give you a job after all. "He's.... This crippled YouTuber with a hot body.... And he drools everywhere, and I think about eating Reese's with him at night... like just imagine seeing his shadow standing on his hands and knees under the sheets with a light. That would be enough to scare away my worst sleep paralysis demon..." Vox remains completely silent before you two enter a small yet luxurious bedroom, themed dark blue, cyan and grey in color. "Well... this will be your new sleeping quarters. I'll give you a few minutes to settle in then come down to my office and I'll give you your list of duties. It's just down the left hall on the left. My names on the door." He says plainly as he opens the door for you then turns to leave.

After you take your sweet time unpacking the suitcases you don't have, you look in every single door going down to his office because you are nosy. You come into one that seems to be a kitchen.  A glass table surrounded by a few glass chairs sit in the middle as typical kitchen equipment line the shelves. You spot a small glass bottle containing some kind of red drink. What do we do when we find unknown substances lying around in rooms we weren't even supposed to be in? We drink them! 🎉 You take the small glass bottle that looks like something out of a Valentine themed witches cavern and pour some into one of the plastic cups sitting on the counter. You down it and it surprisingly has no flavor. That's disappointing. You put the heart shaped cap back on the small potion bottle and toss the plastic cup away in disgust, now determined to find Vox's office. You have to back track as it turns out you walked past the large golden name on the door several times. You don't even knock because you never think and as you open the unlocked office door, your heart immediately begins pumping fast as you see the Tv man sitting at his desk, boredly looking through some papers. "Yeah, yeah come in." He says in that same bored tone as his half lidded eyes scan through the words. You walk over and without thinking, climb up on his desk, pushing anything out of the way as you crawl closer, eyes locked on his face. He immediately looks up after seeing your figure plopped on his desk and his face turns to one of anger. "Excuse me? Just what in the name of the Nine Circles do you think you're doing? Get off my desk!" He screams but you don't respond. He stands after noticing you aren't responding and snaps his fingers in front of your glazed over eyes. "God damn it. What now?" He groans out as he tries different things, like hitting the desk, shining a flashlight into your eyes, and yelling your name into your ear. He mumbles something to himself as he gets out his phone, walking a few feet away from the desk as he calls someone. By the time you get off the desk and make your way over to his new location, the office door slams open again and a tall man wearing a red, fluffy coat with white trim (those are his wings excuse me) is standing in the door way. He chuckles lowly as he walks over, you becoming feral as u think someone is about to hurt your Voxy Woxy 🙄 liek you could do anything to that 10ft tall dude. He chuckles again and bends down to your height, almost daring you to attack. "I think they got ahold of some of your... love potion stuff. I've already told you not to leave that shit lying around in... easily accessible locations... the idiots are always the ones that find it..." Vox grumbles as they both continue watching you. All it will take is one wrong move from Val.... "Why don't you let me take this little.. feral rascal off your hands and.. tame them for you?" The moth man says in a creepily seductive voice as he reaches a hand out to you. Vox's eyes immediately widen and he takes a step forward to intervene but there's no need. Your instincts kick in (thank god you drank that potion when you did because usually you're just a whiny pussy and you'd have backed out in seconds good job on being brave ❤️ but not really). Not even knowing it, you lunge forward and encase his whole hand in ur mouth 😳 chomping at his wrist. The moth man screams in pain as his twig thin wrist snaps (he's a bug so he has thin bug limbs) and he snatched it back, holding it up and examining the damage in pain. Vox's face widened even more in shock before he begins laughing his ass off for the second time that day. Val begins cursing him out to do something as you leap away, digging your own hand into your mouth and pulling out a thick, slimy string of spit, writing out "I love Vox" on the wall. Vox looks over and watches you and his laughter only increases. "Your... your first assignment is gonna be to clean my damn wall." He says between laughter. "Oh god, Val this is all your fault. You deserve this." He continues laughing, now resting his hands on his knees again. Valentino only grunts in pain in response. "Keep your new employees under control. This one's.... Gonna give you a hard time." (Yeah more like a hard on 🙄). With that, Val gives you one last glare before swiftly turning and slamming the door behind him. You're now just running around the room in circles, dragging your tongue over the wall and increasing the thickness of the line of spit that covers all 4 walls now. Vox finally manages to stop you gently by the shoulders. "(Name), (name)." He says in a stern but gentle voice as he seems to be fighting back the urge to both laugh in your face and break your face. "Just go to your room, lay down, and sleep this.... Whatever this is off. That's your first order. Ok?" You gasp as your childish eyes grow bigger. "OK!" You exclaimed before jumping up and locking him in a long kiss, him tumbling back to try and get away from you but you won't budge, sending him tumbling over his desk and landing on the floor with a painful grunt. With that, you obey your new daddy's orders and zoom to your room, slipping under the covers and sitting up, chuckling quickly and goofily as you're pretending the lump you're body is creating under the covers is Ricky Berwick's back hump.

 With that, you obey your new daddy's orders and zoom to your room, slipping under the covers and sitting up, chuckling quickly and goofily as you're pretending the lump you're body is creating under the covers is Ricky Berwick's back hump

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(Guys fr I love Ricky. 💕 No hate)

Meanwhile, Vox is just trying to gather himself and figure out if he's even in real life anymore. Of all the people he could have found to be a new employee... it's you. And you're... strange. To say the least. He doesn't hate you, he isn't making fun of you, but he sure is pondering some things. He decides to go over to his computer (or is it really his cousin Bob?) to look up who this "Ricky Berwick" fella is to start getting an understanding of just who you are as a person. Nothing could have prepared him for the video he was about to click on...

Vox x reader (for real this time, not satire) Where stories live. Discover now