Old friend

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Alastors pov

Lucifer had stayed in my room over night again because he wanted to make sure I was ok and he usually sleeps better when he is with me , last night we kissed and he kissed me back I have never been one for physical affection and all but it felt right with him . But I don't think Charlie needs to know so I woke lucifer up so in case she comes in she doesn't see us sleeping in the same bed .

Lucifer pov

Alastor had woken me up , I rolled over and covered my face . Alastor got up and changed I have never seen him in anything other than his suit but it was all torn and he still had a limp ,I need to ask him about what happened , he took his blazer of and it revealed a deer tail I gasped and got up and ran over ' you didn't tell me you had a tail' it was so cute on him ' yes well it makes me seem less intimidating so I tend not to show it' I touched it to see how soft it was, and it was soooo soft his tail moved when I touched it which made me giggle . He also laughed and went into the bathroom to change ,I sat there in the bed until he was finished . He was wearing his usall black trousers but he had an oversized hoodie on that was plain black . He came over and sat down ' so what happened yesterday ?' He looked down I didn't think he was going to tell me but he did ' I have an old enemy vox and val and since I haven't been around for 7 years he thought I was gone , but I had a meeting to attend and velvette must of told him I was back he tried to kill me but he is too week to do so' he was still smiling I wonder does he ever stop smiling does he ever feel sad happy angry or can he just not feel anything at all.

Alastor pov

I told lucifer what happened and he looked worried but I reassured him that I was fine . He had To go help Charlie with something and demanded I rest so my leg can heal even though it's not that bad .since extermination day is in less than a week everyone is reinforcing the hotel so no angels can get in , they are every 6 months now which is annoying, I m going to help tomorrow with it wether lucifer likes it if not I want to help and not just sit around.

Hours pass and I'm so bored until I hear a familiar voice. I limp out to see mimsy she was a very old friend of mine from when I used to go to clubs and get drunk she was always there for me

'Alastor is that you' she came running and hugged me I hugged her back 'it's bin so long where have you been I haven't seen you at the club for ages alastor' I laughed 'yes well I have been gone for 7 years and have stopped drinking for a wile now' ' well isn't that a shame no one can be a better drinking buddy than you you are so funny when your drunk' we where talking for a wile and she decided she was going to come back in a few days I waved her goodby and when's back to my room . I headed to my room and opened the door to see lucifer in bed painting a duck . I couldn't help laugh, he looked up from what he was doing 'what' I just laughed before saying ' nothing dear don't worry' I didn't realise I called him that but I think he liked it because he turned red . I climbed into bed next to him and snuggled up to him . He put his work down and took of his glasses before putting his arm over me and turning the light of . He kissed the top of my head before I dozed off to sleep .

Authors note

Thank you so much for reading I really appreciate it if you have any ideas for future chapters I would love to hear them . I think I have some spelling mistakes 😰😰. I hope you like it and enjoy reading it this has taken me a wile to write and I am so happy with how it's turning out so far i how you do to ❣️

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