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My cheeks were still rosy, but my bones were aching. My head was spinning, and my mind kept flying to random bits around me. I collapsed to the ground and fell into something warm before blacking out.

 I collapsed to the ground and fell into something warm before blacking out

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I am spinning, and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning.... is that garlic.

Then I shoot up and I am face first with him, staring at me.

No, this is not Devon. My life doesn't revolve around him you know. It's Kofi. Staring at me with much LESS passion than he looked at me at school. His big brown eyes glistening and his curvy lips bunched to one side. He just seems mildly interested. God, what is wrong with my life.


He drops his gaze and looks over my shoulder. 'You brought her here?'

'Yeah, it was short notice. Nothing we could do.'

This is Devon of course. Maybe my life does revolve round him...

I immediately stand up and run towards the door. Devon doesn't even flinch but Kofi stretched to grab me though I dodged out of his grip. I reached the door and banged it hard. Then my back began to work up for some reason I don't know, and I fell to the ground retching.

Kofi just stared at me at my sudden agony, and Devon just continued to relax on the wall, his hands in his pockets.

Kofi was then suddenly kneeling over me and removing my shirt. I could feel something warm trickling down my skin, as well as his fingers coursing through my back. I gasped at his touch.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN?!.' Devon was suddenly pulling Kofi off me.

He stared at him. 'Are you blind? Her back is practically tearing open!'

'Oh and what was your intention when you removed her shirt.'

He scoffed. 'Seriously man!'

'Don't serious me, you were touching her!'


As they are arguing, I get up slowly, grab my shirt, open the door, which I realize has a handle, and climb down the stairs hurriedly. The sound of their raised voices still hits my ears. I reach the edge of the stairs and reach the car we came with just as the door slams open and Devon is looking around, concerned.

I hear behind him. 'You're really fucked up man.'

I hide behind the car, and the pain is suddenly so strong, like there is a knife stuck in it. I reach for my back and see blood dripping from my hands, sticky and sickly sweet. I know because I licked it from my hands. I put my shirt on and open the car hiding inside it. Just as I silently shut the door, squatting inside, Kofi appears in front of the car door. He has not noticed that I entered the car, but is looking around. He finally peers in the front seat, which I'm not in, and gives up.

I am praying that Devon does not notice anything, and i suddenly see a phone, a small flip phone, next to my pinkie toe.

I say thank you to all the gods, then i open the phone and dial my father's number...

There's no connection.

There's no fucking connection.


Thunk thunk thunk.

A muffled voice. 'What are you donig in there?'

I guess what i did next was stupid, but i was kidnapped okay, my brain was probably fries and i wont lie that my arm was itching like hell, so you cant blame me for stupidity.

I jumped into the front seat, onned the car, and begen to drie.

I hit over two fences, alost ran over a dog and knocked over an old lady. Whether the dog or the lady is alive, i dont know. But i know that i couldnt have stopped it even if i wanted to.

The car finally ran out of gas, and i was stuck in the middle of nowhere, half naked and alone.

Then i looked out and saw a sweaty and quite baffled....


Guess i wasnt alone after all....

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