Chapter 4 - First Time

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2 Weeks Later

Demi’s Pov

Today is the day of my 12 week scan at the doctors; I can’t wait to see the little baby that has been growing inside me for the past 12 weeks. I know it’s still tiny and the picture probably won’t be very clear, but still, I can’t wait.

Joe and I have been living together for the past 2 weeks, it has been really good; the day after we moved in we went shopping for groceries and when we had come home and put it all away; afterwards we just relaxed.

I woke up today and found Joe not in bed; I heard the TV on so I made my way out to the living room and sat next to Joe on the couch. I laid my head on his chest and he put his arm around me “What time is it?” I asked

“10am” Joe replied

I suddenly sat bolt upright “Joe, my appointment is at 11:30. We need to get ready!”

“Oh, I’m sorry Dems” he said “I didn’t realise it was in the morning, I thought your appointment was in the afternoon”

“Nope, it’s 11:30am” I replied quickly getting up and running up to our bedroom to get dressed

Joe was already dressed so he got up and went into the kitchen, I guess to get some breakfast

I ran into our bedroom and quickly opened my closet reaching for some clothes, I put on some jeans and a shirt, I quickly did the buttons up on my shirt and then ran out of the bedroom not even bothering with make-up.

I ran into the kitchen to find Joe spreading some butter on some toast, he quickly finished and then handed me a slice and started eating his slice. We went outside, locked up the house and then got into Joe’s car and he drove to the doctors.

We got to the doctors at 11:15am and then we sat in the car for a little a bit “We’re here now” he said

“Yeah” I said letting out a sigh

“Calm down babe”

I took a few deep breaths and then said “Okay”

Joe slowly opened his car door, I did the same; we slowly got out and made our way inside.

We went in a signed in at the front desk and 5 minutes later Dr Reed came out of her room and called my name.

We walked into her room and she said “Would you mind getting onto the bed Demi and undoing the buttons on your shirt”

I got onto the bed, laid down and then undid the buttons on my shirt; Joe sat in the chair next to the bed and held my hand.

“Okay, this might be a little cold” she said, and then she squirted some gel onto my stomach; it was cold and I shivered a little. “Sorry” she apologised. She placed the scanner on my stomach and started moving it around; she then turned the screen so that Joe and I could see it as well.

I looked up at the screen and I saw a little shape that I could just make out to be a baby, it was moving around; it felt weird seeing it move because I still couldn’t feel it yet.

“It’s moving” I said looking at Joe

“Can you feel it?” he asked

“No” I replied

“That must be weird” he said laughing a little

“Yeah, it defiantly is” I replied giggling a little

“Would you like to hear the heartbeat?” Dr Reed asked

“Yes please” I said getting slightly excited

Forever & Always - A Jemi FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora