-ACT 1- A New Start In Ninjago City 1

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"Raziah! Are you sure we're going the right way?"

"Oh come on, sis! It's gonna be awesome, the Ninjas are there! And yes I think we're going the right way."

L'uxa sighed in exaggeration as she stopped for a moment to relax, not liking the way how this is going. She wasn't enjoying this one bit.

"Alright.." She muttered before continuing walking. As they walked, Raziah stopped for a moment making L'uxa to stop as well. She took a quick-distance-look to see if they were here, her eyes slowly widened as she realised that they are now here.

"Are we..here?" L'uxa questioned, she was the oldest sister but didn't even know Raziah loves the Ninjas and Ninjago City THAT much, like it just completely changed her.

"Yes! WE are here!" Squealed Raziah in amazement and also excitement. She was a little loud that L'uxa had to cover her ears. Raziah quickly noticed and apologised for being loud.

"That's alright." L'uxa chuckled, slowly uncovering her ears. She was pretty used to the loudness Raziah always do.

They then walked into the city, loads of buildings shined as the sun reflected. It felt peaceful, although the mess usually always happen in the City(like conquering, attacking etc). Raziahs eyes glowed as she saw everything, something shes' always imagined comes here.

L'uxa was still holding onto her books, which are spell ones(literally). Some people were questioning who they were, where did they come from behind their backs. L'uxa glared deadly at the people whispering behind, causing them to leave the two alone.

"Raziah..I don't think we are goin' to be okay." L'uxa whispered to her. Raziah eyed at her in confusion.

"What do you mean? We're going to be fine. Plus, I've got my dual swords and you've got your spell books." Reminded Raziah, smiling innocently.

L'uxa sighed. Raziah was right; she has her dual swords, and L'uxa has her spells books.
She plotted the books into the bag she was carrying(filled with over stuff that I'm not even gonna mention).

She then started to wonder if they would be able to meet the Ninjas or not. Raziah looked at her, noticing her wondered-looking face.
She decided not to question it for now, leaving her big sis to deal with whatever she is thinking about. Raziah saw an ice cream van and ran. L'uxa flinched as she saw her ran.

"Raziah! Wait!" L'uxa called out, chasing after her. She didn't want to loose her because their parents, especially her dad, reminded her, "Remember L'uxa. Always protect your little sis no matter what cost."
She could never forget that sentence of a promise.

As L'uxa catched up with Raziah, panting heavily, she looked at the menu, her face slowly turned into a confusion look. She raised an eyebrow as she saw her grabbing an ice cream that she paid for.

"Raziah, why do you want ice cream? We've just travelled here.." L'uxa muttered, kneeling down to reach her level.

"I like ice cream."

"I know that, but WHY do you need them?"

"Cause I like it?.."

"Ugh. Alright.." L'uxa mumbled to herself, completely annoyed.

Raziah chuckled nervously, knowing how she actually made her older sister annoyed. She then began licking her ice cream(which will slowly melt), while L'uxa had a look on one of the spell book pages. She then sat down on the bench, closing the spell book and grabbing the bag to check for something else.

While checking for something, Raziah sits down next to her. She was watching her older sis unpacking or checking.
L'uxa groaned, zipping up the bag and putting it aside.

"I just can't find it!" She grumbles, being in absolute disbelief.
Raziah raised an eyebrow but dared not to say or ask anything about it. She continued to eat her ice cream, while L'uxa was annoyed.
After a few calming minutes, L'uxa finally settled down and grabbed the spell book. She got up from the bench, Raniah slowly doing the same after her.

Raziah then puts the waffle cone away since she doesn't really like them(sorry not sorry).

(A few hours later)

Raziah and L'uxa booked a room in an hotel for the next couple of weeks. Raziah was amazed and loved the look in the room as they entered inside. L'uxa didn't really mind and she puts her spell books in the small cub board(not the one in the kitchen but apparently in the bedroom) to keep them safe.

"L'uxa. Are you sure that that's the safest place to put?" Raziah muttered to her as she looked at her.

"Yes I'm sure, Raziah." L'uxa replied, taking her hood off and just throws it on the bed.

Raziah then turned around to sit down on the bed, sighing softly as she did so.
After a while a knock was heard from the door, L'uxa went over to check who or what was behind the door.
As she did so, she noticed a person standing by the door.

"May I help you?.." She asked, not really in the mood to talk yet.

"Oh sorry. I just want to meet you two, since you're new around.." The person stammered, noticing how L'uxa wasn't in a mood.

L'uxa sighed. "That's fine." She said. "The names L'uxa Hognak and that's my sister, Raziah Hognak." She introduced themselves.

"Nice names, Raziah and L'uxa. It was very nice meeting you." The person smiled before walking away, leaving the two alone.

'Very suspicious..' L'uxa thought, glaring at the person as they walked away. She was very suspicious of them.

The Day We First Met~♡ Ninjago-LloydxRaziah(Ninjago OC)Where stories live. Discover now