-ACT 1- The Beginning of the 'Worst Things' 2

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"Hey L'uxa!" L'uxa flinched as she heard a voice behind her. realising it was Raziah. She turned around, wanting to know of what Raziah wants now.

"Oh- uh..sorry-"

"It's fine, just tell me what you want."

"Just wanna say. The ninjas are here in the City!"

"Are you sure?" L'uxa then shuts the door as she asked that question, her concerns were still lingering in her mind.

"Yes I'm sure!"


Raziah then went over to the window. She watched as the people were minding their business, but sadly no Ninjas.

"Awe, shucks.." Raziah muttered annoyingly.

"Well you can't always expect them to just poof and they'll be there." L'uxa joked, laughing to herself but also feeling a little bad for her.

Raziah sighed and sat down on the bed, feeling herself getting woozy and unfitting about all of this. She didn't even realise L'uxa doing something in the kitchen.
L'uxa came back with some foods, snacks, desserts etc. Raziahs expression instantly changed as she began to eat her food, the joyful moment took over the sadness.

"Mm! This is so good! Thank you so much, sis!" Raziah thanked her, mouthful of food as she spoke.

"You should probably speak after you've swallowed what you've eaten." L'uxa reminded, sitting down on a table and grabbing a textbook to draw on.


"That's fine."

Raziah then finished her food and left it there on the desk. She lies down on the bed, feeling extremely bored.

"You alright, Raz?" L'uxa wondered as she tilt her head.
She put her pencil down, getting up from her seat to go and sat down. She moved the tray away(which was filled with snacks and desserts now).

"I'm fine. Just a bit sad that the Ninjas aren't in town." Raziah explained, still laying down on the bed.

"Well that's alright, maybe they'll come into the City."

"You think so?"

"Hopefully. I don't want you to be upset."

"Alright..thanks sis." Raziah said, smiling and hugging her sister.

"That's ok.." L'uxa replied with a returning hug.
She was happy that her little sister was feeling much better.

As they departed, L'uxa got up to go and continue her drawings. Raziah just sat down and stared at the ceiling, thinking if everything's gonna be alright.
She suddenly heard shouting outside and quickly stood up, looking through the window.

"This isn't good.." Raziah muttered in sadness and shock.

The Day We First Met~♡ Ninjago-LloydxRaziah(Ninjago OC)Where stories live. Discover now