Why Cross-Promotion?

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Because the Wattpad algorithm works about as reliably as a duct-taped charging cord plugged into an outlet with intermittent electricity.

Jokes aside, the purpose of this cross-promotion campaign is mutual support, reads, hype, camaraderie, exposure, and other such good things. Many people believe that promoting other books adds competition for their own among readers. In reality, the opposite is true. Cross-promotion pools the readership of every author involved, which multiplies it for everyone. The more people participate, the bigger the boost. 

This also makes it a great equalizer between authors with differently sized audiences. Small authors in a cross-promo benefit from the exposure to larger authors' audiences, not to mention the community that comes from supporting one another. Large authors benefit from a wider net of pre-interested readers, and can help uplift smaller profiles in a meaningful way with less effort and more impact than individual shout-outs. In a world where discoverability is declining across the whole Wattpad platform, everyone wins. 

In our years of running cross-promos here in Chucks, we've found that novellas in our ONC campaigns grow about 2-3x faster than they would otherwise, with smaller authors typically seeing the biggest proportional gains. We also think the ONC makes a great excuse to hype the heck out of a whole bunch of books. So here we are. 

Chucks ONC Cross-Promotion Campaign (2024)Where stories live. Discover now