• Confused • F • Yungi •

433 10 0

Thank you again to JazminNewark for this wonderful request ! Sorry it took so long.. Enjoy :)
- K


Yunho stared at the closed door of San's room, the muffled laughter from within doing nothing to soothe the ache in his chest. It was the third time this week that Mingi had disappeared into his roommate's space, leaving Yunho alone with his thoughts and a growing sense of unease.

He tried to focus on the economics textbook in front of him, but the words blurred together as his mind wandered. Yunho and Mingi had been best friends since their first year of university, drawn together by a shared love of dance and terrible puns. Somewhere along the way, Yunho's feelings had deepened into something more, but he'd never found the courage to voice them.

"Maybe I waited too long," Yunho muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He couldn't help but replay memories in his mind: Mingi's bright smile that made his eyes crinkle, the warmth of his hand when they walked close together on chilly evenings, the way he'd lean into Yunho during movie nights. Had Yunho imagined the lingering glances, the soft touches?

Inside San's room, Mingi was pacing, his long legs carrying him back and forth across the small space. "I'm telling you, San, he probably just sees me as a friend. Why would someone like Yunho be interested in me?"

San, perched on his desk chair, let out an exasperated sigh. "And I'm telling you, for the hundredth time, that you're both hopeless. The way Yunho looks at you when you're not paying attention? It's like you hung the moon and stars."

Mingi paused his pacing, a blush creeping across his cheeks. "You really think so?"

"I know so," San said firmly. "Now, can we please figure out how you're going to confess before I lose my mind watching you two dance around each other?"

Mingi flopped onto San's bed, burying his face in a pillow. "I can't just walk up to him and say, 'Hey, Yunho, I've had a crush on you forever. Do you want to go out?' Can I?"

San twirled a pen between his fingers, thinking. "Why not? Sometimes, direct is best. But if you want, we can come up with a plan. Maybe something to do with dance, since that's how you two met?"

As they brainstormed, Yunho's imagination was running wild in the living room. He pictured Mingi and San growing closer, sharing inside jokes, maybe even... No, he couldn't think about that. But hadn't San always been openly bisexual? And Mingi, with his easygoing nature and stunning looks, could have anyone he wanted. Why wouldn't he fall for someone he lived with, someone as kind and talented as San?

The next evening, Yunho was surprised to find a note slipped under his door when he returned from classes. In Mingi's messy scrawl, it read: "Meet me at the dance studio at 8 PM. - M"

Yunho's heart raced as he made his way across campus. When he pushed open the studio door, he found Mingi in the centre of the room, illuminated by soft lighting. Music was playing low-their song, the one they'd first freestyled to together.

"Mingi?" Yunho's voice was quiet, uncertain.

Mingi turned, and the smile he gave Yunho was tinged with nervousness. "Hey. Thanks for coming."

"What's all this?" Yunho gestured around the room, trying to ignore the way his pulse quickened at the intimate atmosphere.

Mingi took a deep breath. "I... I wanted to show you something. A dance. For you."

Before Yunho could respond, Mingi began to move. It was a solo version of their first duet, but he'd woven in new elements-movements that spoke of longing, of admiration, of love. Yunho stood transfixed, barely breathing as he watched Mingi pour his heart out through dance.

When the music faded and Mingi came to a stop, they stared at each other for a long moment. Then Yunho found his voice. "Mingi, that was... incredible. But I don't understand. I thought-I mean, you and San have been spending so much time together lately, I just assumed..."

Mingi's eyes widened in realization, and then he burst out laughing, which only confused Yunho more. "Yunho, no! San's been helping me figure out how to tell you that I like you. As more than a friend. This whole dance, it was his idea."

"You... like me?" Yunho's voice was barely a whisper.

"Yeah," Mingi said softly, closing the distance between them. "I have for a while now. I was scared to tell you, scared it might ruin our friendship. But San convinced me that maybe, just maybe, you felt the same way."

A slow smile spread across Yunho's face as relief and joy washed over him. "Mingi, I like you too. So much. I was just too afraid to say anything. And then, when you started spending all that time with San, I thought I'd missed my chance."

Mingi shook his head, grinning. "Never. It's always been you, Yunho."

They stood there for a moment, giddy with the realization that their feelings were mutual. Then, slowly, Yunho reached out and took Mingi's hand. "Dance with me?" he asked softly.

As they moved together, falling easily into the rhythm they'd always shared, Yunho made a mental note to thank San later. For now, though, his world had narrowed to the boy in his arms, the boy he'd been falling for all along.

Outside the studio, San peeked through the window with a satisfied grin. "It's about time," he murmured before heading back to their apartment. He had a feeling he wouldn't be seeing his roommate tonight-and he couldn't be happier about it.


Words: 990


A/n: Sorry, this is kind of short - been trying to plan how I would write this for a while now. If you like this chapter, please let me know, ty <3

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