• Misunderstood pt.2 • A/F • Woosan •

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Hiii ! One of my friends asked that I write the second part to this story, so here we are, I'm doing my best. Tysm for everyone who has supported me and my book !


"Ok.. thank you for believing me.." said Wooyoung, now standing up to get a bowl and the milk from the fridge.


Wooyoung enjoyed his breakfast, a bowl of cereal and glass of orange juice, feeling relieved that at least his crush, San, had believed him about the previous morning.

A smile played on his lips as he thought of the other boy. He had been crushing on him for years but wasn't sure how to tell him..

"Hey Woo ! I spoke to Mingi and he's really upset with you, he got angry. He told me that you were lying and trying to make yourself sound like the victim in this situation, but something doesn't add up because he got really angry." Said San, with a worried look on his face that mirrored the feeling now in Wooyoung's heart.

"Is he OK.. do you think I should speak to him ?" Asked Wooyoung quietly.

"No.. I think we all need to leave him alone for a little bit to figure himself out." Whispered San somberly, disappointed that things were going this way and scared of a possible tear in the group dynamic.

"Ok.. Well I might go to the studio then, work on some of my dancing.. you know it always helps me keep my mind blank." Wooyoung said, getting up and putting his shoes on to go to the studio.

"Alright, see you later.." muttered San, a bit upset that Wooyoung was leaving on his own.

He was worried about the boy. He believed every word he had said and didn't want this situation to upset him or have a negative impact on his relationship with the others. He made up his mind very quickly to join Wooyoung at the studio.

"Hey, wait, let me come with you," he said, grabbing his shoes and rucksack.

"Ok, sure.. have you not got anything else to do ?" Said Wooyoung, a little upset that he wouldn't have time alone but also glad that San wanted to spend some time together after everything had happened.

Being honest to himself, he had a massive crush on San, but the two were so close that he was afraid to ever say anything and ruin the friendship.

"Nah, you're my priority." Replied San, with a warm smile on his face.

He put on his shoes, grabbed the dorm keys, and held the door open for Wooyoung, who prayed the dark would hide the faint blush on his cheeks.


Once arriving at the studio, the two boys got themselves comfortable. San dropped his bag on the floor, took his shoes off, and went to go plug in the music. Wooyoung did the same with his belongings, but after taking off his shoes, he grabbed the towels and walked to the middle of the dance floor.

A trumpet sounded, and as their most recent song "work" began playing, San ran over to join Wooyoung. They danced perfectly, flowing with each other to a quick rhythm. This is where Wooyoung felt home, surrounded by the loud echo of beats, melodies, and bass. He let out a heavy breath as the song finished and grabbed the towels and water.

"Hey San, are you feeling warm ? Let's cool off a minute." He said, walking over to the other boy who was hunched over, touching his knees.

Wooyoung tipped some of the water over San as a joke, but also to cool him off after the dancing. Before he could grab the towel again and dry the boy off, the bottle was taken from his hand and tipped over his head.

Laughing, he shook his hair to get it out of his eyes and made eye contact with San.

"Hey man, not cool !" Said San, but he also displayed a broad grin. He was proud he had managed to get revenge so quickly.

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