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Artist: ND Stevenson

I'm sorry! I needed to. 

This is based on my experience/opinion.

Aries: Frosta: Energetic, stubborn, witty, adventurous, snarky

Taurus: Double Trouble: Clever, smart, witty, a trickster

Gemini: Sea Hawk: Funny, adventurous, caring, ecstatic, cool

Cancer: Castaspella: Caring, try - hard, witty, dramatic, enthusiastic

Leo:  Glimmer: Hot - headed, sarcastic, clever, witty

Virgo: Entrapta: Intelligent, witty, funny, creative

Libra: Bow: Positive, kind, encouraging, enthusiastic, ecstatic, extrovert

Scorpio: Hordak: Stubborn, cares more than you'd think, introvert

Sagittarius: Perfuma: patient, calm, upbeat, strong, bubbly

Capricorn: Adora: Never gives up, courageous, stands up for what she (by "she", I mean Adora) believes in, selfless

Aquarius: Catra: Stubborn, smart, clever, sarcastic, witty, funny

Pisces: Scorpia: Powerful, creative, big-hearted, kind, encouraging, positive

Ugh, sorry this one took so long

A majority of the signs have "witty" as a word to describe them XD

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